Part 7

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I arrive at my friend's apartment completely out of breath, wheezing and panting. "Jeez! You look horrible!"

I turn around and look at my friend. He's standing about two meters away from me with a confused look on his face. "What happened to you?" "I ran all the way here..... because I was going to be late..." I say while gasping for breath..

"Well you're here early.... but you're also almost dead so......" I laugh, which is hard because I can't breathe.

After a while and a lot of wheezing I regain the ability to breathe and we sit on the floor to talk while eating popcorn and watching a Disney movie.

"I talked to the guy on the bench today" I tell him. "You did?!?!" Roman practically yells while accidentally sitting out his mouthful of popcorn.

"Yeah I saw him so I went over and introduced myself." "What did he say???" Roman asked, giving off the same impression as a 12 year old girl at a slumber party.

"Well.. he introduced himself, and we just small talked for a bit then I said I'd see him tomorrow!" I explain to the eager Roman in front of me and mention that the reason the conversation was cut short was because of our plans. "Wait...." he says. "YOU BLEW OFF TALKING TO CUTE BENCH GUY TO WATCH A DISNEY MOVIE WITH ME???" He said while staring at me like I was insane. "Well... I didn't want to cancel plans." "Patton you are way too nice for your own good."

"So anyway! What's his name?" Roman asks curiously. "Logan Oakwood, he's the office manager of that big office building down the street."

"Sounds like it went well then!" "Yeah" I answer smiling. "He seemed really lost in thought when I said hi though.." "He was sitting on the bench just staring at the ground thinking." I explain. "Probs just having a stressful day at work! Lord knows I have them. Plus he works at an office.. could he have a more depressing job?" Roman finishes talking and stuffs his face with popcorn. I think about what he said for a minute realizing it made a lot of sense. We decide to put our attention back to the movie.

Roman and Patton finish watching the movie and Patton goes home later on and goes to sleep.

I know that this was short and ended quickly but it was mainly to introduce Roman as Patton's friend :P
Also I know I'm not great at writing but I am hopefully going to get better throughout writing this story.
Thanks for reading!

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