Part 23

580 36 42

Prinxiety time because I can.

Tw: Swearing.


I look in disappointment at my phone. I wish Patton could come watch movies but I'll just invite someone else. I place my phone on my desk

Maybe Virgil?

Just the two of us?

I feel my entire face do a pinkish red.

I look down at my phone on the desk and texted him.

Roman: Hey Virge wanna watch a movie?

Virgil: k

Roman: Pat and Logan can't come btw

Virgil: k. ur place in 15?

Romna: Sounds good see u then.

Virgil: cya

I put down my phone and decide to get some stuff ready for a movie night. I walk out into the living room/ kitchen of my apartment and head to the pantry.

I grab some microwaveable popcorn and put it in the microwave. I set it for two minutes and out out a bowl.

I decide to set out some caramel popcorn as well because I feel like eating some. The microwave beeps and I take out the popcorn bag by the edges so I don't burn myself. I open it carefully and pour it into the bowl.

I stare at my beautiful bowls of popcorn proudly.

MasterChef here I come!

I set the bowls on the coffee table and grab some blankets from the closet. I lay them on the couch and start looking through my DVDs for something to watch. I grab a few that would appeal to me and Virgil and set them on the floor by the TV.

I hear a knock at the door and go to answer it. I see Virgil standing there in his usual hoodie and jeans.

"Hey Princey." He said and smirked at me.

"Hello to you as well my chemically imbalanced romance." I say as we walk in and towards the couch. Virgil takes off his shoes and sits on the couch as I grab the DVDs.

"So what do you want to watch?" I ask and he points to a movie I'm holding.

"That one." I look down at the title and read it aloud.

"Alladin? Sure. I'll put in in." I say as I put in the disc and sit back on the couch beside Virgil as the movie starts.

He snuggles up with a blanket and all I can think about is how cute and cozy he looks.

He's so cute.

Does he even know how friggin adorable he is?

If he doesn't that's definitely illegal.

How did I not know I was gay?

Looking at Virgil makes it so obvious.

I already know I like him, it didn't take much convincing myself after seeing him first.

He snuggles up closer to his blanket and shuffles a little bit closer to me. I feel my cheeks sure with redness as I reach for a handful of the popcorn he's holding.

After a few movies now we're full on cuddling.

I have no idea how it happened but now neither of us are moving and we're just starting Bambi.



How could I possibly focus on the movie when the most handsome guy ever is cuddled up beside me?

I look over at his face and see that he's looking right at me.

He blushes bright red and I try not to.


I look at his red face again.

I blush.


We look directly at each other and I thank God for foundation.

I look into his deep, warm, caramel eyes and practically melt into a pile of emo gayness.

My foundation has got to have stopped working by now with all the blushing.

Is his face really red?

Maybe it's just warm.

He wouldn't like me.

As I said I'm just some gay emo.

Yeah it's probably just because he has a blanket on and is really warm.

I look down at his lips.

I definitely don't want to kiss them...

I don't...

Shut up.

He leans in for a bit of popcorn out of the bowl I'm holding making me go even redder if somehow possible.

Oh my god Roman stop.

You're going to make me explode if you don't stop being so gorgeous.

Is he trying to make me flustered?

He has to be doing this on purpose.

If he isn't then well fuck.

This time he catches me staring. He goes bright red.

Oh my god.

Is he leaning in?

Am I leaning in?

Before I know fully what's going on our lips and centimeters apart.

You know what?

Screw it.

I lean in fully and pull him into a kiss.

He seems surprised for moment but then we both melt into it.

It'a a little passionate but it's mostly sweet and gentle.

I wrap my arms around his neck and get rid of the popcorn on my lap as he holds me closer.

We break apart after a minute or two and stare deep into each other's eyes.

God he's amazing.

Hope you enjoyed the Prinxiety fluff!

This one was fun to write.

Also thanks for 1.25k reads and over 100 votes! That's absolutely amazing! Idk how that happened! :)

Thanks for reading!

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