Part 8

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Hi sorry I had a little bit of writers block because I haven't planned out this story a lot. But I'm back now!


Logan's Dream

I open my eyes and I'm sitting at my desk surrounded by papers and documents.


I get up and look around me.

This isn't my house...

I keep looking and notice this room is a lot smaller then my house.

What am I thinking? I live here.. I know that.

I get out of bed and realize that I'm exhausted. I must not have gotten much sleep last night.

I get dressed into my usual clothes. I don't put on a tie because I'm just an office worker.

I walk out of my room and look at my door.


There was a little cat sticker next to it that said 'me-wow'

I smile slightly at it.

Do I smile?

Why don't I know this?



What am I thinking? I always smile.

My thoughts are put on hold.

What is that smell?

It smells good.

It smells great.

I follow the scent to the kitchen.

I see the stove on and somebody cooking.

Oh that's just my roommate.


Yeah my roommate.

I hear the sizzling of something delicious cooking.

The man notices me and turns around.

'Hey Lo! You're up!" He says cheerily with a big smile.

I stare at the man. What was his name again?

"Are you feeling okay? You don't look too great and you got up later than usual today."

"I-I don't know." I stutter.
I never stutter.

"I know! One of my freshly made Patton-cakes will fix you right up!" He says enthusiastically.

Patton...? Patton... Yes.. Yes Patton.
I've been living with him for two years.

What is happening to me today?

He sticks his tongue out adora- I mean slightly while he slides one onto my plate.

"Thank you" I say with a smile.

"No problem Lo! Here you go" he says while passing over a jar of Crofters and a knife to me.

Mmm Crofters...

It's adequate having a roommate that can cook.

Patton sits down on the beanbag chair by the couch and turns on the Tv and put on Steven Universe.

He smiles childishly as he watches it.

I finish my breakfast and stand up.

As I am making my way over to the couch I find myself staring at Patton.

He sings along to the theme song.

"We are the Crystal Gems"

I start to smile softly at him.

"We'll always save the day"

He's so cheery

"And if you think we can't"

His voice is very calming

"We'll always find a way"

I start to walk towards him

"That's why the people of this world-"

"Believe in" I sing

Patton looks at me with a massive look of surprise that turns into a massive smile.



"And Pearl"

"And Steven!"
"And Steven."

Patton beams happily at me.

"Oh my god Logan! Your voice is amazing!"

"Th-thank you."

We're facing each other now only a few inches apart.

My face feels a little warm as something pulls me towards him.

We start to lean in and I think about how after years of knowing him why I haven't realized how much his lips reel me in.

We're about to close the gap when I hear something.


"What's that?" I say confused

"See you later Lo" Patton says to me and smiles as I feel myself drift softly to sleep."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'm having fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading this.

I don't have a schedule yet but I'll try to update maybe 2-3 times a week. Maybe more depending on how much homework I get.

Check out my daily thoughts story because it has my thoughts, reasons to smile, my OCs, cute photos of my cat, cute photos of my dog and I'll probably put some character designs for Logan, Patton, Virgil and Roman in there and some of my other art.

Thanks for reading!

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