Part 28

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I nudge nudge Virgil and motion to Logan and Patton asleep on the chair beside us.

"Oh that is too perfect not to use as blackmail." He says as he hops up from beside me with his phone in his hand.

"Nooo come back!" I call but he's already taking multiple pictures of the future couple.

"Nope. Can't miss this opportunity." He responds and I think for a moment.

"You know what, same." I lean forward where I'm sitting and pull out my phone from my pocket. I quickly start taking photos.

After we finish our photo shoot Virgil sits back on the couch and turns to me.

"Now that we have that blackmail, you have to stop interfering with their love lives." He tells me in a demanding way.

"What? Why?"

He sighs. "This is something that they have to work out on their own, don't force them into it. We need it to happen for real, not a set up."

After he says this I realise how right he is.

I groan. "I hate it when you're right." I fold my arms in annoyance.

"Aww, you're perfect too." He comments sarcastically and kisses me on the cheek.

"We should probably wake them up though, as cute as they look like that, my apartment is not big enough for four of us to sleep over." He says and shuffles over to the edge of the couch. He reaches over and nudges them.

"Hey, the movie is over." He tells them as they slowly open their eyes and focus on him. It takes them a few seconds to realise they're cuddling before panicking and Patton ends up falling off the couch while blushing profusely.

Logan is bright red and trying his best to straighten himself in the seat. He reaches out an arm out to help Patton who's face is a similar crimson color and wincing slightly after falling. He takes Logan's hand and stands up and if possible, going redder.

Logan is about to say something when someone's phone goes off.

Logan pulls his phone out, looks at it and mouths something to Virgil who points to the hall. Logan answers the call, leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

"Do you know who called him?" Patton asked Virgil.

"Yeah just his work. Probably his boss." Virgil half mumbles and falls back onto the couch.

"What is it?" I ask him as he exhaled slowly.

"It's just that I know he hates his job. I've never seen him happy at work but he refuses to quit. He was always the smartest kid in highschool! He could do so much but he's gotten too comfy where he is." Virgil vent and Patton nods in understanding.

"Yeah I noticed that too. He seems really unhappy and overworked there." Patton admits.

How unhappy is he?

I never noticed.

At least he makes good money unlike me.

"He always wanted to teach at a university but then he got that job offer and took it." Virgil and Patton were having a conversation now.

"Yeah he told me about that..." Patton responds and they kept talking.

I hate my job.

What do I want to do?

Should I quit to follow my dreams?

What could I do?

All of a sudden a single word passed through my mind.


I could act...

I should act.

look down at the floor and inhale deeply.

I'm gonna act.


Virgil and I continue before Logan walks in looking much more tired than when he left to take the call.

"What happened?" Virgil asks and Logan rubs his temple.

"Hilda in marketing is angry because Simon in department nineteen ordered the wrong amount of paper she asked for and now we have about two hundred times as much of something we didn't really need in the first place and we're down a lot of money. I really should get going, this is going to take an annoying amount of effort to undo." He says and grabs his coat from the coat rack.

"See ya tomorrow Logan." Virgil says and waves.

"Bye Logan." Roman waves too.

"Bye Lo, I hope the problem isn't too hard to fix!" I smile at him as he puts on his coat and leaves.

We sit in silence for a minute until I decide to do something.

"I'll be right back!" I run over to the door and fumble with the handle for a second.


Ugh! why do doors hate me?

I finally push open that door and accidentally slam it behind me. I'll apologise for that later.

I take off down the hall and down the stairs.

After going as fast as possible down two floors I see Logan walking and running his fingers through his hair stressfully.

Thank God Virgil's building doesn't have an elevator.

"Heya Lo!" I beam as I approach him from the side. He jerks his head in surprise but eases when he sees me.

"Hello Pat. May I ask why you've followed me down the hall?" He asks and I smile brightly at him.

"Just to talk! How are you?"

"Not good, you heard the situation already and I'm not excited to deal with it." Logan sighs and rubs his forehead.

I stop walking abruptly and get to my point."Logan." He stops as well and looks at me.

"Do you hate your job?" He looks conflicted for a moment before straightening his tie and speaking.

"Well I-" I interrupt him before he can speak.

"Not the money or lifestyle side of it. I want to know if walking into work fills you with happiness or dread." I say in a caring friend voice but with hints of a demanding tone.

He exhales slowly and looks up at me.

"Dread. I hate my job. I hate going to work. I loathe everything about it." Each word hits me like a knife to the heart.

"Logan, I don't want to peer pressure or push you into anything but in my honest opinion as your friend is that you should quit." He take son a slight look of shock but quickly regains his original sadder one.

"I would Patton but..." He pauses as if he's searching for the right words.

"It's just not that simple." He gives me a small smile and I hear his phone go off. He checks it and then puts it away again.

"I really should get going." He starts to walk off down the stairs.

"Goodbye Patton." He smiles and waves and I give a small wave back.

"Bye Lo."

Hey 👋

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

My school has closed for two weeks because of the Coronavirus.

So now I have to do all my school work from home.

There wasn't an outbreak at my school or anything it's just that all schools in Ireland are being closed.

Pretty much everything is being shut down for the next two weeks and I have nothing else to do so that just means more chapters I guess.

Anyway thanks for reading!

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