Part 24

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Did that just really happen?

We stare into each other's eyes in a comfortable moment of silence.

Did we just kiss?

Oh my god...

Please tell me I didn't imgine that and I'm just looking at him like a complete idiot.

"I'm not sure if you knew this and I don't know if you feel the same, but I've liked you for a while now..." He says and rubs his neck nervously.

What an idiot.

I wrap my arms around his neck.

But he's my idiot...


As I'm watching TV alone my parents e starts to ring.

I look down to the caller ID and see that it's my boss. I answer it and mute the TV.

"Mr Oakwood?"

"Yes. May I ask why you are calling?"

"Well basically your department has been doing really well over the last few months so we're going to get another employee on your team."

"Alright, who will hire them?"

"We'll leave that up to you."

"So I can hire whoever I think is qualified, correct?"

"Yes. We trust that you'll make the right decision."


"Alright, keep up the good work Oakwood."

With that, she hung up.

I smile to myself at the phone call. Not only is my branch doing a good job but I can hire whoever I want and I have just the right person.

I turn up the TV and think to myself whether or not they would take the job.

They had wanted an opertunity like this for a while and hopefully they would take it.

I decide to put the thought on hold for a bit and refocus on the show I was watching before the call because I don't have work to do and I'm not wasting my free time thinking about it.

The TV isn't doing it's job correctly by distracting me though so I try scrolling through my phone instead.

I'm reading an article about the Fibonacci Sequence and the Fibonacci Spiral in natural life when I get a text.

It's from Patton.

I click it and I'm brought to the messages application.

Patton: Logie! I'm grading tests and it's so boring! Help!

I smile slightly at his childish manner.

Logan: Patton you have to correct tests if you want to return them to your students. Without you correcting them they won't know what scores they got and won't learn.

Patton: I know but it's soooooooooo boringggggg!!!!

With alot of restraint I choose to ignore the grammar errors.

Logan: You have to. But if you are truly desperate for entertainment we can talk for a bit.

Patton: Yay!!!!!! I knew I could count on you!

Logan: What would you like to talk about?

Patton: I don't know... How was your day?

Logan: Perfectly adequate. How was your day?

Patton: It was great! I made cookies for the kids in my class and Emile found the tests that I was looking for!

Logan: I'm glad you had an enjoyable day.

Patton: I also had a nice talk with my neighbour!

I think for a moment about which neighbour talks to Patton.

Logan: Ms Silverstein?

Patton: Yeah her! She's a lovely woman

I met her once outside Patton's building when I was for Patton to come. She is indeed a nice person.

Logan: She is. I met her once outside your building while I was waiting for you.

Patton: I never knew that! I'm glad you like her

Logan: It's hard not to.

Patton: Did you make sure to eat today?

Patton checks whether or not I eat most days now ever since Virgil told him about my self care. Although it's slightly annoying, I hate to admit that it does actually help sometimes.

Logan: Yes I ate. May I ask, why do you keep asking me this?

Patton: Good. I just care about your well-being that's all!

I find myself smiling at how he cares. Patton really is a caring person.

Logan: Thank you, don't forget to look after yourself as well. You can't spend all of your time caring for others.

Patton: Thanks Lo well I should probably finish correcting these tests if I want to finish tonight

Logan: I'll see you at Virgil's birthday.

Patton: cya then!

I put down my phone and think for a moment about what to get Virgil as a present.

I have an idea.

Thanks for reading!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the Prinxiety fluff.

Also I didn't check when Virgil's birthday is so it's different from the real one in the story.

Also thanks to all the people that are reading this book! I really didn't expect it to get so much attention. It even got into the top ten! I'm so happy that people are enjoying this book :)


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