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While on the set of our upcoming movie I couldn't stop thinking about China and how much I missed her. Yes, it's only been a few weeks and yes, she will be visiting soon but that's my girl and I miss her.

"Knock Knock." Bailee smiled as she made her way into my trailer.

"I don't know why you said that when you were already here." I chuckled.

"Yeah, sorry." She giggled, "Can I join you?"

"Yeah! Of course. Jack should be here to do my hair soon, so you can chill." I shrugged. Bailee and I have had brief conversations besides our Chemistry read when we auditioned. After China met her and felt comfortable I started to reach out more. After all, I'll be spending the next two months filming with her while my other friends are a thousand miles away.. probably more than that.

"How are you liking New York?" She asked.

"You Know, I actually lived here once." I joked.

"You did? When?"

"I lived here with my Nanny while my parents were gone all the time with my two sisters and brother." I teased.

"Are you talking about 'Jessie'?" She giggled.

"That would be correct." I smiled while getting up to sit on the couch across from her, "on a serious note I've only been here a few times. It's decent." I shrugged.

"That's nice. Are you happy?" She asked.

"With New York? Yeah!"

"No, with china." She said casually and got up to sit next to me.

"Yeah, she's been my best friend for as long as I could remember. I-" I was cut off by Jack, I'm assuming, knocking on my trailer. As I stood up bailee did too and quickly kissed me. I quickly pushed her back.

"Um, I'm sorry." I shook my head, "but, I was just telling you how much I loved China." I explained. She had an evil smile that I didn't like.

"You expect me to buy that?" She chuckled.

"CAMERON LET ME IN." It wasn't Jack, it was Kar.

"You need to leave, Bailee. I'm sorry but I'm not into you like that." I sighed as I went to open the door.

"Oh, Bailee?" Kar asked and looked at me.

"Hey Kar." She giggled, "your friend has nice lips." She smirked while walking away. Kar looked at me speechless.

"You fucking didn't." He came into the trailer and slammed the door.

"No, Kar! It wasn't like that." I sighed, "She kissed me and I was telling her how much I loved China literally two seconds before that."

"Well you should tell China before someone else does." Kar pointed out.

"China already dislikes her so I don't think you should tell anyone anything until we are done filming."

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now