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I was sitting at my desk in my room just trying to make myself feel better. Why do I feel like I'm going to lose both of my best friends? What am I suppose to do? What can I say to make this better. By the time I called Cameron he had already talked to Dove. I can't be mad at Dove because I've been in the wrong. I've been in the wrong for months now and I'm starting to come to that realization, but now it's too late. I heard my front door open and I knew the voices. My anxiety started to kick in

"Knock knock." Gabe said sweetly

"Hey bud." I sadly smiled, "what's up?"

"Cameron, Dove, Karan and Sophie are downstairs. What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"Send them in whatever order they choose." I said sadly and he smiled sadly back. I felt sick thinking about what's going to happen. I wanted to cry. Honestly, I was afraid of losing Sophie at this point.

"Yeah, she's upstairs." I heard Gabe say

"Thanks." It was Cameron. My palms were sweaty and my chest was aching already. I am terrified. My door opened slowly to Cameron who looked everything but happy. I was about to lose him and his face made that very obvious.

"Hey." I sighed, "You can sit down if you'd like."

"I would rather stand." He shot back.

"Sorry." I mumbled. It was quiet and I couldn't look at him but I felt his eyes on me.

"Are you? Were you sorry before anyone knew or are you just sorry that you've been caught?"

"I felt guilty after I did it so I tried to block it out of my mind. I really am sorry." I whispered.

"I don't think I've ever been this disappointed in someone in my lifetime. I thought you would be happy and supportive like I am for you but-"

"I am happy for you. I support you in whatever you do!" I cut him off and I just wish he could see how much I do love him.

"You're not though. I felt so bad the last almost two weeks like it was my fault but this is all you, China. All the way back to when I auditioned for this movie." Cameron shook his head.

"I was jealous and I let it get the best of me and-"

"What did I ever do to you for you not to trust me?" He asked. I couldn't answer that because I didn't have one. Cameron is perfect and he's been patient with me up until now.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, "I really am."

"You're only sorry because you're afraid of what I'm going to do." He snapped. He was right. I'm afraid of losing him, "Would you have done this if we were just best friends?" He asked. I was quiet because no. I wouldn't have. I wouldn't have been this jealous at all, "Exactly." He nodded.

"No! Cam, please. You have to believe that I'm sorry and that I love you. Please, tell me what I can do." I begged.

"There's nothing you can do." He said coldly. My heart kept sinking further and I noticed that I was starting to cry when I felt the tears fall.

"I love you. Please." I begged.

"I love you too, China. To the point that doing this hurts." He came closer to me and grabbed my hands and kissed my forehead, "I need time  to get over being angry with you. I'm sorry."

"Time?" My voice cracked. He didn't answer me. All I got was silence and watching him walk out the door and my heart breaking into a million pieces. When I heard the front door downstairs slam I let out all of my sobs. Cameron Boyce is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I think I might have just lost him.

"China?" Gabe rushed to me and sat beside me, "hey it's okay." He rubbed my back.

"No it's not." I cried, "I fucked it up and he's probably never going to speak to me again." I sobbed.

"Did he break up with you?" Gabe asked.

"I-I guess. He told me he needed time to get over being angry with me and then he left." I kept sobbing, "I didn't mean to hurt him."

"China?" We heard Dove say quietly. Gabe and I turned to see Dove, Sophie and Karan in my room. "How can we help?" Karan asked.

"Get out." I said calmly

"China, we want to help." Dove repeated. I picked up the nearest item and threw it.

"I SAID GET OUT!" I screamed through my sobs and started throwing things. Gabe picked me up to try and stop me but I kept screaming, "Get them out!" I sobbed.

"Leave." Gabe snapped, "Now!" Gabe repeated. I watched them leave while I was fighting off Gabe. Mom and dad came in the room after they heard my screams.

"China, baby!" Mom remarked, "Calm down."

"I- I- Can't breathe." I said through my sobs and started hyperventilating.

"What happened?" Dad asked Gabe.

"I think Cameron might have broke up with her." He repeated. All I remember is sobbing uncontrollably.


Don't hate me. I promise to make this better <3 I have like 5 chapters after this already done but I'll probably update later tonight.

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