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I was in Dallas waiting at the airport due to our flight having a 3 hour delay. I've been worried ever since Adam told me that Bailee came all the way out her to talk to China. I was worried on what she might do or say to her. Karan kept asking me if I was okay ever five minutes and of course I gave him the same answer. My phone started to vibrate on the table and I had hundreds of messages from Bailee and a few from Dove.

Chloe ❤️
Cam, please call me before you hear it from Bailee. I love you.

Hear it from Bailee? I was confused on what Dove was planning to tell me but it didn't sound good. I picked up the phone to call her and looked at Karan.

"Cammy." Dove said sadly from the other end of the phone, I felt like she was crying.

"What's wrong? Why do you sound upset?" I asked.

"I'm upset for you and I know this might break you and china, but I know she won't tell you so I'm going to have too. Is anyone around you for comfort?" Dove asked. I looked at Sophie and Karan with such confused eyes and put Dove on speaker as no one else was around us.

"Sophie and Karan are right here." I announced.

"Hi!" They both yelled.

"Bailee stopped by China's this morning. I thought maybe it was because she was going to tell china some big lie about you." Dove sighed,

"Did she?" I asked.

"No, instead she exposed China." Dove said quietly

"Exposed?" Karan questioned.

"Cameron, do you remember when you almost lost your movie deal?" Dove asked. I closed my eyes because I had a feeling where this might be going.

"Yes." I simply replied.

"China Auditioned the same day Bailee did. Bailee saw her go into the audition room. China found out a few days afterwards that she didn't get the role and she went crazy. She told the producers that you wouldn't do the movie without her and it's best that they picked someone else. They thought it was fishy so they contacted you and told you they might be looking for other people for your role but nobody fitted it better than you. China doesn't trust you and she wanted to ruin your career. She made you feel guilty about picking the movie when she's been in the wrong all along. I'm sorry, Cameron. Tell me what you need me to do." Dove sighed while I tried not to be upset or hurt. I don't understand why she would do this.

"I don't understand." I said quietly, "that doesn't sound like her— that." I paused while trying to control my anger, "and China admitted to this?" I asked.

"Yes, Bailee had a lot the proof with her own eyes and the producers and Adam." Dove explained.

"Adam?" Sophie questioned.

"Adam knew? But he never told me anything." I pointed out.

"Because she's your girlfriend, Cam. He knows you love her and while everyone might think she did this out of spite he knows there's that 5% she did it out of love."

"What are you going to do Cam?" Karan rubbed my back.

"I don't know." I whispered, "what should I do, Dove?"

"From the bottom of your heart what is your heart telling you to do?"

"Something that I don't want to do." I broke down in tears joined in a hug by Sophie and Karan, "how do you stay with someone that isn't rooting for your success? For you to do better?"

"If I were to stick up for china it would be to say that she's going through something.. again. She's immature and I think she needs time to grow again. Cam, I can go with you when you talk to her." Dove suggested.

"Yeah, I think all of you should be there with me." I sighed. My phone started ringing and it was China.. her name hasn't popped up on my phone in almost two weeks and I was filled with rage.

"Dove, I'll call you back. She's calling me."

"Wait. Cameron I don't think-" I hung up on her and immediately answered china.

"Cam?" She questioned calmly.

"I'm not really up to talk to you at the moment." I said plainly

"Please let me explain. Cameron, I love you."

"Do you? Do you love me? Because since we have gotten together apparently you have been nothing but a shitty fucking girlfriend." I snapped.

"Cam!" Sophie whispered and grabbed my phone.

"China, we will be there in a few hours but right now cameron doesn't want to talk to you. Please accept responsibility for your actions and don't contact Cameron again until he's there." Sophie snapped before hanging up.

"This isn't happening." I muttered while shaking my head.

"It will be okay, Cam." Karan sighed, "you're right, this doesn't sound like china but maybe we can find out what's wrong with her."

"She's fucking psychotic." I blurted out

"No, Cam. You don't mean that." Sophie sighed. I couldn't say anything without being hurtful so I stayed quiet. I stayed quiet until a flight attendant came over to us and told us our first class seats were boarding early. While I stayed silent I thought about what would I say to china. Would I forgive her? Or would it be over?

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now