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Grab your tissues. I cried while writing this.

"Her Energy matched mine." Cameron smiled at China, "Thats how I knew we would be great friends."

"Hi! I'm china!" China started the conversation off with the biggest smile on her face.

"Cameron." He smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you!" China squealed, "who's your character?"

"Keithie." Cameron replied, "and yours?"

"Charlotte!" China replied instantly. Cameron's face lit up

"I think we might have a few lines together!" Cameron pointed out.

"Let's go practice them." China smiled and grabbed Cameron's hand and took off with him. Mike and Victor looked at each other and shook their heads.

"They'll get tired of each other." Victor smiled.


"She's the sassiest person I've ever met in my life." Cameron added. China blushed and covered her face because she knew the story he was about to tell.

China was in a bad mood on the third week of shooting grown ups. Cameron noticed and he tried to cheer her up in the middle of filming.

"Let's play a game." Cameron insisted

"No, I'm good." China rolled her eyes. Cameron didn't want to take no for an answer.

"If you lose I'll give you a dollar, if I lose you don't have to give me anything." Cameron replied In his little baby voice.

"You don't know me like that. I'm not going to let anyone help me win." China shot back. Cameron couldn't help but smile instant at how much he liked her sassy side.


"She's always been the first one I would text if something exciting happened." Cameron admitted and kissed China's hand. Little Jo Ann was so confused.

Cameron went into audition to be apart of Jessie and came out smiling so big.

"How'd it go?" Maya asked.

"It went good. I think I might have gotten the part but they said they would call tomorrow." Cameron smiled brightly. Karan walked out of the audition room.

"Nice to meet you cameron!" Karan slightly yelled.

"You too! Hope to see you soon!" Cameron replied. Victor and libby couldn't stop smiling they were so excited for Cameron and all the confidence he had gained which has given him so much success.

Cameron waited by the phone all day. He was starting to give up hope. He went upstairs to brush his teeth

"CAMERON!" Maya yelled, "ITS FOR YOU!"

Cameron ran down  the stairs and snatched the phone out of Maya's hand.

"Hello?" Cameron answered.

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now