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3 year later
Wedding Day

It was a year after China's accident when she found out she was expecting. Cameron was beyond excited. She had started her music career again and went on tour while she was pregnant. Everyone was worried because they were both young and China still didn't have full use of her left arm yet. They got engaged a couple months before she was born and decided to wait to get married so their child could be involved in their wedding. China had a little girl who looked exactly like Cameron. Well, it was like a little version of Maya all over again.

"Daddy!" Jo Ann giggled in her baby voice and came up to Cameron holding a letter. He picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"Hi princess! Is this from mommy?" Cameron asked. Cameron looked at Sophie who walked her over to him. Sophie just recently had her little girl, Renee. She looked exactly like Sophie.

"We're the messengers today!" Sophie cheered, "You look good Cam." She smiled.

"Good and absolutely nervous." He responded, "I'm gonna put you down so I can write mommy back." Cameron tickled Joy Ann.

'Dear Cam, I wish you would have agreed to doing a first look because I am absolutely nervous. I love you and I can't wait to kiss your face soon'

Cameron smiled at how cute the note is and how he can't wait to marry China Anne McClain.

'Dear China, I'm just as nervous as you but I can't wait to officially become a little family. I love you and little Jo so much. You are everything I have ever dreamed of Marrying." Cameron wrote. He bent down to Jo Ann

"Go give this to mommy." Cameron smiled. Jo Ann gave him a little kiss and ran to her Aunt Sophie.

"It's almost time." Karan smiled at Cameron.

Sophie walked Jo Ann back to China

"Aunt Brenna!" Jo Ann ran and brenna picked her up. Everyone had gotten close to Brenna after China's accident. It put a lot of things into perspective and everyone decided to not let the little things matter.

"Hi Beautiful!" Brenna kissed her cheek.

"I'm sorry but I have to steal my niece." Maya interrupted. Jo Ann and Maya are very close. Whenever china or Cameron needed something Maya was always there. Cameron was surprised at how much she loved Jo Ann.

"She has to give the letter to her mommy." Sophie interrupted everyone and smiled.

"Yeah!" Jo Ann smiled. Brenna went to set up some more while Maya walked with Sophie and Carried Jo Ann to the back.

"Mommy!" Jo Ann squealed. China had the brightest smile on her face. She was literally glowing.

"Holy shit. Cameron is definitely going to have trouble after the ceremony." Maya joked while China picked up Jo Ann.

"This is from Daddy." Jo Ann smiled and handed her the letter.

"If he has trouble after the ceremony I'm doing something right." China winked.

"Alright, I don't want that image in my head." Maya cringed.

China read the letter and it brought instant tears to her eyes. It's happening. This is too real. The butterflies and nerves are very much there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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