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I couldn't help but feel sad and just wanting to disappear. I wanted my mom more than I wanted Karan. While I quickly texted her, China went to open the door. Karan came in with a worried look on his face followed by Cameron and Dove.

"You okay?" Kar whispered and pulled me into a hug.

"Can we talk?" I asked, "Privately?" Before he could answer I grabbed his hand and took him to my room.

"Soph, you're scaring me." Karan blurted out.

"I'm sorry." I started to cry, "I don't mean too."

"Why are you crying? What's going on?"

"Kar, I lied." I sighed.

"About being late?"

"About how late I was."

"How late are you?" He questioned.

"I was three weeks late and I didn't know how to tell you. I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Why do you keep saying was?"

"I believe I miscarried. I didn't want to go to the doctor the last three weeks because I was indenial of all the pregnancy tests that I took that were positive." I explained. He was quiet. I couldn't tell if he was sad and I couldn't tell if he was mad but he didn't look happy.

"I wish you would have told me." He spoke up, "Are you okay?" He asked while pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek.

"I don't know how to feel." I admitted, "I wasn't ready to be a parent but that didn't mean I wanted anything bad to happen." I started to tear up.

"I know." Karan whispered, "but it will be okay because you have me." He smiled sadly. I couldn't help but smile back. I was expecting him to be mad at me but instead he's really understanding. There was a knock on my bedroom door followed with

"Soph, your mom is here." China quietly interrupted.

"My mom?" I questioned, "I just texted her? How is she already here from Alabama."

"I texted her yesterday." Karan spoke up, "I was worried about you." He added. I kissed his cheek before walking out to greet my mom.

"Hi baby." She pulled me in for a hug. I guess she saw Cameron quickly after because she got really excited, "My my.. Cameron? Look at you! I haven't seen you since our Christmas party almost a year ago." She smiled.

"It's good to see you, Mrs. Reynolds." He spoke up.

"Are you okay, Baby?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I started off, "Mom I need to talk to you." I sighed.

"Okay?" She questioned.

"I guess I'll just tell you along with Cameron and Dove because Kar and Chi already know." I started off, "I had what I'm guessing is a miscarriage."

Cameron and Dove looked at each other sadly and then at Karan. I could tell they didn't know how to comfort me or him. My mom? She didn't look sad. She looked Angry.

"Pack your things." She replied.

"What?" We all questioned at the same time.

"If you think I sent you out here to get pregnant you are wrong. You're suppose to be following your dreams not getting knocked up." My mom replied coldly.

"Mom." I responded with a cracked voice and tears in my eyes, "I'm not leaving."

"You are seventeen and this is an apartment I pay for!" She yelled, "I have every right to take you back with me."

"No!" I shrieked, "These are my friends. I love them and you're not going to take me away from them because of something I couldn't control." I sobbed.

"Mrs. Reynolds.." Karan started off.

"Don't start with me." Mom scoffed, "ever since you came out here you've been nothing bu a disappointment. You call these girls your friends? You were on the news for exposing china because Cameron cheated on you with her! And Dove? She doesn't seem like much of a delight." She continued.

"Hold on now." China spoke up, "We have all had our issues but we worked through them. Sophie is a good person and you are failing as a mother right now. She literally had a miscarriage today!" China snapped. I wanted to smile at how good a friend she's been but I couldn't help but be sad.

"You have three days to get your shit out of this apartment. I'm not paying for it anymore." She scolded before walking out. I couldn't help but fall and sob.

"Soph.." Karan said sadly.

"What am I suppose to do?" I cried. Cameron and China looked at each other. They had the same idea and I could tell.

"You can move in the room that used to be China's in my apartment." Cameron spoke up.

"What?" I questioned through my sobs.

"Yeah, I don't use it anymore. Why would cameron and I sleep in separate rooms when we're together?" China added.

"That way you have family. We're your family, Soph." Cameron reminded me, "and Karan lives there also." He added.

"I do." Karan smiled and lifted my chin up, "Your mom will come around but for now, you have us."

"And we love you." Dove pulled me in for a hug, "Don't ever question that."

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now