395 14 3

Cameron <3
I really don't want things to end between us

Japan/My baby ❤️
I know

Cameron <3
Can I come see you? Can we talk things out some more?

Japan/My baby ❤️
I have the day off tomorrow. You can do whatever you would like with that information.

Cameron <3
Can I bring Dove?

Japan/My baby ❤️

Cameron <3
China, she's your best friend. She misses you.

I left him on delivered after he sent the message. I love him, I love Dove, I love Karan and hell I even love Sophie but I'm not interested in talking to any of them.

"China?" Jordan knocked on my door.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"I made dinner." He informed me, "I made your moms cornbread."

"Nobody makes my moms cornbread the way she does." I smiled.

"Okay, what's up? I can tell that you're upset." He sat down beside me.

"Cameron is what's wrong." I shook my head, "I really don't know if I want him and that scares the shit out of me." I admitted.

"Mike told me that you guys were arguing the other day." He paused, "He also told me that you and Cameron reminded him of the relationship he had with your mom when they were younger."

"Really? How?"

"They argued like they were old and married also. You love him, Chi. I don't think you two should let each other go, so both of you need to stop being fucking stupid and make out already!"

"JORDAN!" I chuckled. Although it wasn't something I wanted to hear I'm glad I did. We're angry over things that won't matter in in 10 years.

Japan/My baby ❤️
You can bring dove

I wanted my best friend back as much as I want my boyfriend back and once I thought that I felt relieved. I didn't feel angry with anyone. I didn't want to make things difficult for anyone. I just wanted my people back.

"EAT MY DAMN FOOD." Jordan yelled whole throwing cornbread.

"Aye, Chill out!" I giggled.


I woke up to someone opening my bedroom door really quickly. My light was off so I couldn't see

"Who's there?" I grumbled.

"Dove." She whispered, "and Cameron is downstairs he didn't want to be the one to wake you."

"He's smart."

"I just wanted to say I love you." She responded.

"I love you too."

"You do?" She asked. I could tell she was stunned.

"Yeah, Chlo. It's been a crazy two months."

"It has and I'm sorry that I didn't let you explain yourself."

"Yeah, it's good. I wish I would have been the one to tell him what I did instead of you though." I admitted, "I know it wouldn't have changed anything but I feel like as his girlfriend at the time it was my place and only mine."

"China, Cameron is certain that he didn't break up with you." She grabbed my hands, "and you're right. I'm sorry, I just didn't think you would do it."

"He wanted a break which is the same thing. Seven damn weeks." I chuckled, "I would have, maybe not before Bailee said anything but afterwards, yeah."

"He's downstairs. Just go talk to him." She smiled.

"Only because I don't want to lose him." I sighed. I went downstairs and noticed he wasn't on the couch but he was in the kitchen eating my damn cereal.

"What the fuck is up with you bitches eating my cereal?" I groaned.

"You have 3 boxes of this kind." Cameron pointed out.

"Yes, and everyone should know by now not to eat it!" I flashed a fake smile. Cameron and I got quiet and to try to ease the awkwardness I sat down beside him, "You broke up with me." I blurted out.

"No I didn't and I'm tired of telling everyone, especially you, that."

"You know a break is the exact same thing. It was a whole ass seven weeks."

"I'm sorry, but we need to get past this to move on."

"I agree but we can't until you forgive me."

"China I-"

"See! You still can't learn to forgive me. So why the fuck are you here?" I started to yell.

"Forgiveness doesn't just happen overnight!"

"So you're still angry. Cool. Leave and don't talk to me for seven more weeks." I chuckled.

"We are getting nowhere." Cameron said quietly

"You don't have to trust me, Cameron. Just forgive me and we can work our way from there." I begged, "I'm asking this one more time and then I'm done. If we're going to work you have to forgive me and if you don't want too.. well, have a nice life." I snapped.

"JUST FORGIVE HER!" Jordan yelled from upstairs. I couldn't help but giggle in a very bad situation.

"That reminds me. What's up with you and him?" Cameron questioned.

"Please don't change the subject."

"Just answer my question!"

"Jordan is a friend! Sierra is in love with him. IN LOVE."


"Get out." I shot back, "Get out of my house because it's clear that you want to make things hard." My voice cracked as I broke down in tears

"No, China." He pulled me in for a hug and rested his chin on my head, "I forgive you and I love you." He whispered.

"Are you sure?" I sniffled.

"I mean it with all of my heart." He kissed my forehead, "I don't want to let you go. I want to marry you one day and how am I going to do that if you're not in my life?"

"My Chameron Heart." Dove squealed. Cameron and I broke away before hugging again and giggling. I know it will take time for him but I do love this dude with all of my heart.

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now