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She's been on a ventilator for three days. The doctors told us that she should be awake by now and that her brain activity is good, but staying alive is up to her.

"Why would she even go through the window?" Lou sobbed. Lou was in Canada filming a movie and she wasn't able to catch a flight until now.

"My whole Cast was over from the movie I just did. I had went to the bathroom and it all happened so fast, Lou." I explained, "If I knew that she was still coming I-"

"but Dove told you!" She snapped, "Dove told you she was getting on a flight to see you." Lou cried some more.

"Bailee Answered the door and told her I wasn't there." I explained some more, "Lou if I knew this was going to happen I-"

"I'm going to sue that bitch. She better get ready." Lou chuckled.

"No! You can't punish her and not punish Sophie." I pleaded.

"Get out, Cameron. You're not family." Lou chuckled through her tears. I was taken back by that. I knew she was upset but damn.

"Since when have I not been family?" I questioned.

"Leave!" Lou screamed. Mr. Mike came in to help calm down Lou.

"You should leave, Cameron." He whispered.

"And for your sake and all of your friends sake you better pray that she wakes up!" Lou sobbed as I walked out. I went into the lobby to be greeted by Dove and Karan. Sophie has been talking to police officers for the last three days.

"Everything okay?" Dove questioned.

"Lou said if she doesn't wake up she's going to Sue Bailee and I think she might do the same to Sophie." I replied sadly, "she told me to leave because- because I'm not family." My voice cracked.

"She didn't mean that." Karan hugged me, "no one meant to do any harm and we all know that."

"Except Bailee." Dove added, "she meant to hurt china."

"I should have never been mad at her. It's so stupid now that I think about it." I sighed, "she blew off a movie audition to come fix things with me." I cried. Sophie came towards us with sad eyes. She's been crying nonstop.

"She's still not awake?"

"No." I responded.

"Do you think her family would let me see her?"

"Definitely not." I chuckled through my tears, "I would just stay away from them and just hope more than you already are that she will wake up." I shook my head. Sophie took a seat beside all of us and leaned on Dove.

"I should've known." Sophie whispered, "She's the only person who has ever climbed through that window." Sophie started to cry.

"She's done it so much. Especially when we get into arguments and I wouldn't speak to her." I started off, "she would bring me something she made or a letter and would force me to talk to her." I smiled at the thought.

"She forgot the room wasn't her room anymore. Adrenaline." Karan added for me.

"I'm such a shitty boyfriend." I stood up.

"No!" Dove also stood up to comfort me, "you guys, we have to believe that she will wake up or that she has the fight in her to wake up!"

"That last thing she said was bailee's name." I added, "Fuck!" I screamed and kicked the chair.

"Cameron, China loves you. She booked a plane ticket right after her last scene was filmed and was coming to see you. She loves you! She loves Karan! And Sophie." Dove paused, "She loves you, Soph. China would not want us to cry and spend our time having regretful thoughts. She would want us to believe that she can fight through this." Dove started to cry real tears. None of us could believe that this is actually happening.

Shontell and Mike came into the lobby and started walking towards us. At this point, I'm afraid of what they might do or say. Shontell took a seat beside me and grabbed my hand.

"We don't blame any of you." Shontell started off, "We Know this was a freak accident."

"Lou is just very upset. She hasn't had the time to process everything like we have." Mike smiled sadly. Mike and Shontell looked at each other with very sad looks. My heart dropped once I knew where this was going.

"If she doesn't wake up by the end of this week-" Shontell started to cry, "We are going to take her off the Ventilator."

"Can I please see her?" Dove sobbed, "I haven't been able to see her and I don't- I believe she will wake up."

"You can see her when lou leaves." Mike spoke up.

"Thank you." Dove cried, "if you'll excuse me I'm going to the bathroom."

Sophie got up in tears and walked outside. We're losing china and shes blaming herself for all of it. Karan gave everyone sad looks before quickly following her

"I can't believe this is happening." I whispered. Shontell squeezed my hands some more.

"You, my darling, You are the best thing that has ever happened to her." Shontell cried, "you have been her best friend through it all. You might be her boyfriend but you will always be her best friend first. Both of you have always had a special bond and trust me when I say everything will be okay." Shontell cried and Kissed my forehead.

"You have always been her soulmate." Mike added.

"I feel like this is all my fault." I whispered.

"It's not baby. If or when she wakes up she won't be mad at you." She sadly smiled.

"Can I marry your daughter?" I blurted out at Mr. Mike.

"What?" He chuckled, "I don't want to think about her getting married."

"In five years, Can I marry her in five years?"

"I mean.." Mike sighed, "I guess but let's get through this first." He smiled. I want her to wake up but I also want her to be pain free.

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now