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I was finally able to see China after Lou left. She spent almost the entire day with her. I went into the room to see her hooked up to all of these machines. I couldn't help but put my hand over my mouth and sob. I grabbed a chair and sat down right next to her.

"My baby." I cried, "I'm so sorry this happened to you." I grabbed her hand.

"I texted you three times but I guess you didn't get them on the plane." I sniffled, "I was texting you to inform you on why Bailee was over at Cam's." I squeezed her hand harder.

"Do you remember during D2 fittings and you had to put on a really really tight waist trainer? You looked like Kim Kardashian but better." I giggled.

"Or the year that you made your birthday cupcakes and you gave me the last one and when I opened it you stuck a charm bracelet for me in it with your initials." I smiled at the memory, "because you didn't like the thought of us one day not being close, so you gave it to me to prove your point of us being family."

"Don't leave me, China." I sobbed, "Don't leave me here in this world alone with all these crazy bitches." I begged, "and I know if you were awake you would be laughing as hard as you could at that." I giggled.

"You-" I broke down, "You saved me from so much. I wish I could've prevented this from happening." I said sadly. I looked at her hoping she would move but there was still nothing.

"I want you to be happy." I whispered, "but I'm selfishly asking you to wake up. No matter what the damage is just please wake up. I can't live in a world without you. Who am I going to lean on during my darkest times? Who am I going to protect? Who's going to me bad advice because no offense, you give some bad advice." I chuckled through my tears.

"How the hell am I going to put up with Karan and Sophie? How- How am I going to be able to help Cameron through losing you?" I sobbed, "Chi, you are the glue that keeps us all together. Wake up, please." I whispered.

"Wake up because you have so much ahead of you. Wake up because you have family and friends who love you. Wake up because Sophie needs to know that you forgive her. Wake up because I love you and you are the only thing that ever held me together."

"Dove." Cameron interrupted with Sad eyes.

"You can come in." I sobbed. He came over to me and helped me stand up. He gave me the warmest hug and we both started to sob. He took a seat and grabbed a hold of her hand.

"She's right, you know." Cameron whispered, "You are the glue that keeps everyone together. Chi, your dad said I could marry you in five years. Wake up so we can get married like we talked about. Wake up, so we can travel to all the places we've mapped out and have kids afterwards." Cameron cried.

"Wake up, and I'll cut Bailee off. You said fuck your movie audition and I'll say fuck the movie press."

"She wouldn't want you to do that." I spoke up.

"Oh, trust me. If she wakes up and remembers everything she will want exactly that." Cameron chuckled. It was the first day since she's been in the hospital that we both laughed.

Cameron's smile instantly faded and looked at her hands.


"Yeah?" I questioned.

"She just squeezed my hand." Cameron whispered with bright eyes. I leaned over China and played with her hair.

"If you wake up we'll let you win in Twister." I pleaded.

"She's lying but wake up." Cameron smiled sadly while still holding her hand. Cameron and I sat there for hours after we thought she squeezed his hand. We ended up falling asleep but woke up a couple hours later to the nurses rushing in.

"Cameron!" I hit his leg as hard as I could.

"What?" He sat up immediately and then his eyes brightened. Her eyes were open and they were taking her off the ventilator.

"Chi." I smiled brightly. She looked at me with pissed off, confused, scared eyes.

"Mmm." She mumbled and closed her eyes, "I fucking hate that bitch Bailee Madison." She whispered.

Cameron and I looked at each other and tried not to laugh in front of her.

"I love you both." She whispered before falling back asleep.

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now