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"I tried Cameron. I don't know what's going on with her.. I feel like it's something more. She's keeping strikes." Dove admitted over the phone.

"Strikes?" I questioned as my heart sunk.

"Strikes." Dove repeated, "I don't understand at all. I'm so sorry."

"Did she say anything else? How long she plans on ignoring me? Should I even try with her?" I whispered.

"She said she's tired of feeling bitter over things she can't control. I don't know if she's doing this because she loves you that much or what. We didn't get to hash things out longer because her dad kicked me and Sophie out."

"What do I do Dove?" My voice cracked, "I love her. I love her so fucking much and I didn't fuck up. I've fucked up in the past but I didn't fuck up." I responded sadly.

"She's my best friend Cam and I love her but when you get back and she's still this cold towards you.. Ask yourself if this is what you deserve."

"I don't want to lose her."

"I know. I gotta go though Cameron. I'm about to film my scene. Love you." She said quickly before hanging up. I was in my trailer again waiting to see if I needed hair and makeup done when Bailee walked in again.

"Oh hey, freckles. I didn't see you there." She giggled, "Why so sad?"

"I don't know maybe because you fucked up my relationship." I snapped.

"I'm sorry she couldn't handle the truth. Guess she doesn't love you enough after all." Bailee shrugged.

"The truth? You're fucking insane. China saw that the day she met you and I didn't listen."

"So does this mean you're single now?"

"No, we're still together. She's just mad as hell and not talking to me." I whispered.

"Ah, so basically it's not looking good. Guess now is my chance." Bailee stepped closer.

"How much of a dumb bitch are you?" I stood up, "fuck off." I snapped.

"Watch it or I'll get you fired." She threatened. I couldn't help but snicker.

"You think adam would choose you over me? Watch it, Bailee. Or it's you that will be fired." I snapped, grabbed my phone and walked out of my trailer. At this point I was beyond mad at everyone and everything. I was done feeling sorry over china when I'm doing everything I can for her. Two more weeks of this movie and then I'm out.


When I got back to my room I was greeted by Karan and Sophie. Karan is up here every other week but this is the first time I've seen Sophie since I started filming

"Sup ugly ass." Sophie joked. Sophie and I created a really good friendship after we broke up. It's good to hang out with her and Karan and not feel like a third wheel.

"There's a cliff down the road, go jump off of it." I pointed out the window while karan snickered and Sophie immediately flipped me off.

"Did you hear? China's dad kicked me out yesterday."

"Yeah, I heard. What set him off?" I asked.

"Well, I walked in on China saying that she's keeping strikes on your relationship and confronted her and then Dove pretty much told her that she's being a shitty girlfriend and you deserve better, so he kicked us out." Sophie shrugged.

"I love China and I know she's been through a lot but this is very low for her." Karan added. She's been through a lot kept running through my mind. I remember china telling me that they were thinking of letting her abuser out of jail and only giving him two years of probation.

"That might be it." I added, "She's still going through a lot."

"I get shes your girlfriend but please don't defend her for treating you like shit." Sophie pleaded.

"What exactly is she going through?" Karan asked.

"She's never gotten over being sexually assaulted." I admitted, "hell, she still flinches when I put my arm over her shoulder and the fact that they are thinking of letting that guy out after only being in jail for three months is probably making this worse."

"Wait. They're letting him out?" Sophie screeched.

"They're talking about it." I sighed, "I don't know I just miss her. I miss my girlfriend and my best friend. This is what I'm afraid of.. losing both."

"She loves you, Cam. You're not going to lose her." Kar reassured me but Sophie rolled her eyes.

"From one friend to another if she keeps this up you really do deserve better. China lost you once also and you would think she would be just as afraid as you but she's not."

"I thought you two were friends?" I questioned.

"You were my friend first. Your heart is pure gold, Cam. You shouldn't forget that." Sophie smiled and then we were immediately interrupted by a knock at the door. I went to open it and was greeted by Adam's goofy smile.

"Sup kiddo!" He cheered, "Can I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah! Of course." I chuckled.

"Adam Sandler?" Sophie Gasped

"Nice to meet you!" Adam stuck his hand out, "Who are you again?"

"I'm Sophie." She shook his hand and smiled brightly, "I've adored you since I was younger."

"Sophie?" He questioned and looked at me, "Your ex girlfriend Sophie?"

"Yes." I shook my head, "but now she's with Karan." I pointed.

"Well isn't that a love triangle." He joked.

"Not really, I'm with china." I smiled while I forced the words out of my mouth.

"Oh! That's why I'm here. I wanted to talk to you about china." Adam smiled.

"What about her?" Sophie asked.

"We actually have a few days off since we're ahead of schedule. Bailee left an hour ago because she said that she was going to L.A to catch up with China. I didn't know that all five of you were such a tight group." Adam chuckled.

"WHAT?" Sophie, Karan, and I screamed at the same time.

"That fucking bitch." Sophie grumbled.

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now