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"She's back?" Dove asked. Karan, Sophie, and Dove have been practically living at my house the last few weeks.. it's very rare when I don't see them.

"Yeah, she forgot to tie her shoelaces and tripped, ended up busting her lip but I asked if she needed a hand and she told me no before running inside." Karan explained.

"We're never going to get through to her now." Dove said sadly.

"Dove, you don't have to defend me or be friends with me. Maybe she'll talk to you if you tell her we're not friends." I suggested.

"We are friends though and she's in the wrong but maybe it's time that you talk to her, Cam. It's been a month." Dove pleaded. There was a very loud knock at the door and I already knew who it was just by the sound.

"Hold that thought." I told Dove. I went to open the door to see my goofy ass brother but he wasn't smiling.

"We need to talk." He starts off plainly. My smile faded with confusion on my face. I don't think I've seen him this way before. I walked outside with him waiting for him to say something.

"I went to see China." He blurted out, "Please tell me I did not give that girl up for you only to give up on her."

"It's not like that." I started off

"Really? It seems exactly like that." He shot back.

"What exactly did she tell you before I say anything?"

"She said she fucked up and-"

"Believe her. She fucked up."

"How? How did she fuck up so bad for you to end things with her?"

"I didn't end things with her!" I groaned, "I just needed time to get over being angry.

"Yeah, I could understand two weeks but a month? You can't blame her for saying you ended things." Taj pointed out.

"Taj she tried to fuck up my career and when I say fuck it up I mean it. She admitted that she doesn't trust me and didn't want me to be successful. Now what do you have to say?"

"I'm sorry, she didn't give me details she-"

"Yeah, because she knows that it makes her look like a psychotic bitch." I snapped.

"Aye! Don't call her that. You don't mean that, that girl loves you Cam! She's waiting around for what? For you to never stop being angry with her?"

"I love her too.. I do." I replied honestly.

"Then stop letting your pride get in the way of everything and just fix things." Taj groaned, "I gotta go. I'll be over here in a few days."

"See ya." I mumbled.

Believe me when I say that took everything Taj said into consideration but everytime I went to her house I couldn't knock. I spent the last two weeks going back and fourth and later today she leaves to go back to Atlanta. I found myself at her house again and this time I knocked. Gabe opened the door, like always.

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now