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I've been really sad the last two weeks. I've ignored every phone call and text message from Cameron. He even sent me flowers and on the card he begged for me to call him. I can't sit around and wonder all the time what he's doing off set. I don't want to be bitter but I am.

Baby ❤️
I love you.

Baby ❤️
Please don't give up on us.

Baby ❤️
This isn't fair, Chi. Please.

Baby ❤️
This will be the last message for a while. See you when I get back. I love you.

"CHINA! DOVE IS HERE!" Gabe yelled from downstairs. I haven't told her anything because she's been working on a movie also. I rushed downstairs and I was greeted with a sad smile.

"Cameron got to me first." dove shrugged, "I bought Chick Fil A." She smiles innocently and held up the bag. I reached for the bag and was pulled into a hug.

"You're taking his side." I sighed.

"Hear me out." Dove paused which caused me to groan, "He was trying to tell you and-"

"Yeah, I know. She kissed him and he pushed her away. I believe him.. I do."

"Then what's the problem if you believe him? Why ignore him? Why make him think that it's over?"

"Did he not tell you?" I whispered.

"Tell me what? What else is there to tell?"

"I told him. It's me or the movie."

"Baby you can't do that to him." Dove sighed, "He loves you. He would do anything for you."

"You don't think that I would do anything for him? That I don't love him? I knew, Dove. I knew that bitch fucking liked him and I don't want to worry all the time while he's away but here I am." I chuckled sadly.

"You don't have to worry. He-"

"It's me or the movie. He chose the movie. Strike one." I shrugged. Dove looked at me in disbelief and shook her head

"We're doing strikes now? That's how you're treating him?" Dove giggled in disbelief.

"It's just strike one. He'll live."

"You shouldn't be doing strikes at all!" Dove yelled.

"You really are so stupid and ungrateful." I turned around to a giggle around the corner.

"You have a lot of nerve to come up in MY house and talk to me like that." I snapped.

"I'm sorry that Dove is not the only person Cameron sent over here. You are breaking his heart!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Are you saying this to me as his friend or his jealous ex girlfriend that's just waiting for a reason to snap at me?" I smiled.

"Did you forget I'm with Karan?" She asked, "Cameron is just as sad if not more than you are." Sophie tried to explain but everything went through one ear and out the other.

"You know, I thought you would at least be on my side." I looked at Dove.

"But you're in the wrong, Chi. What if Cameron did this to you? Made you choose between Him or a movie? What would you do if that movie could boost your career?"  Dove asked.

"Get out of my house. Both of you." I snapped and turned around.

"Typical Chi." Dove giggled which made me angrier.

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"You're the best at running away when you think things are hard. I would understand if Cameron Cheated on you but he didn't. He did his best to be open and honest with you . So yes, I will take Cameron's side this time and I will tell you when you're in the wrong because that's what best friends do. Keep this up and I might as well tell you that Cameron deserves better."

"I think you should leave, Dove." Dad spoke up from behind me, "You too, Sophie."

"Don't worry Mr. Mike. We were just about to do that." Dove walked towards the door before turning back to look at me, "I love you but this isn't you." She sadly smiled before walking out.


Probably the shortest chapter I will ever do but I hope you enjoyed ❤️

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now