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I woke up to my dad poking my forehead over and over again until I eventually smacked his hand away and stood up.

"What?" I groaned.

"Dove is downstairs. Want me to tell her to leave?" He asked.

"No, I'll go downstairs and handle it." I yawned while putting on my robe. I walked downstairs and watched while dove started eating my cereal, "Come on Man! I just bought that." I whined.

"Sorry." She giggled.

"Why are you here?" I bluntly asked.

"Nice to see you too." She rolled her eyes, "I came here to tell you that I think Bailee Madison is on her way here to hash things out with you.. and that means Cameron might be here a few hours after her." Dove explained.

"Hash things out with me?" I chuckled, "bitch has a lot of nerve." I shook my head.

"China, before she comes here are you okay? Like emotionally? Mentally? Physically? Are you okay?"

"Yes to all of those. I'm allowed to be mad and I don't care if you have a problem with that." I shrugged.

"It's 7 in the morning do y'all really have to talk this loud?" Gabe groaned while walking past us to get the door, "Did y'all not hear the doorbell?"

"No, apparently the only person who ever hears the doorbell is you." I snapped. Gabe opened the door and I couldn't believe that Bailee fucking madison had the nerve to show up at my house. Dove warned me but Damn. She's here.

"Wow." I chuckled, "you're a brave one. Come in." I motioned for Gabe to open the door wider.

"Alright, I'm going back to bed. Enjoy your drama."

"China." Dove whispered, "Be nice."

"Yeah, Chi. Be nice." Bailee flashed me a fake ass smile.

"Why the fuck are you here?" I snapped.

"I don't understand why you're mad and dove is about to say the same thing." She shrugged.

"Excuse me?" Dove questioned

"Don't understand? Bitch you kissed my boyfriend!" I yelled.

"No, I know that. You have a right to be mad as you sensed that about me the moment you met me but you don't have the right to be mad about Cameron being in the movie with me."

"Why's that?" I crossed my arms. I could still feel doves eyes on me as she was afraid I would lose it as I was afraid of the same thing.

"You never trusted cam to begin with. That's why you auditioned right?" Bailee smiled. I could feel my cheeks getting red. This isn't happening right now.

"Auditioned?" Dove looked at me.

"China auditioned for the part that was later handed to me. She knew Cameron had this chance. He knew his role required to kiss another girl and have a sex scene with her and she didn't trust him and she auditioned but the producers didn't feel that it was for the right reasons and turned her down. Did Cameron ever seem worried that they would pick someone other than him after he got the role?"Bailee continued while smiling. It was written all over my face at this point that I was in the wrong.

"Please tell me you didn't make a scene." Dove looked at me, "Please tell me when Cameron broke down a couple months ago about maybe losing this role and you told him he would be okay.. tell me that wasn't because of you, that you didn't let him cry in your arms and on the phone with me over something you did."

"How do you even know I auditioned?" I asked while trying to avoid dove.

"Oh my god. China this is true? Why were you mad when he told you at the descendants premiere? I don't understand." Dove stood up.

"How did I know? Not only did I see you the day of the audition room but the producers told me. Hell, Adam even knew." Bailee chuckled, "you think Cameron would want to be with you after he learns you really don't trust him." She smiled.

"You really need to fuck off." I snapped while trying not to yell, "You don't know me or my reasons for what happened."

"Oh my god." Dove gasped and closed her eyes, "you were always trying to ruin his career."

"No!" I cried, "Dove please.. that was months ago right when Cameron and I got together. I don't want to take anything away from him." I pleaded for her to believe me.

"but didn't you just try to make him choose between you and a movie?" Bailee pointed out.

"Bailee, Stop. Please." I begged, "I've been through a lot.. I have trust issues but I love Cameron and I would never want to hurt him." I tried explaining to both of them.

"Who are you trying to convince?" Bailee asked, "Us? Or yourself?" She smiled. I shook my head and let my tears go. At this point I could tell Dove was angry and if I don't tell Cameron before anyone else I could lose him.

"I told the producers that Cameron wasn't comfortable doing this role without me and if they didn't pick me they couldn't pick him." I admitted, "they told me I wasn't what they pictured for the role and they would have a conversation with Cameron but wouldn't tell them who told them. I knew I fucked up when Cameron called you crying." I looked at Dove, "you have to believe me when I say that I am sorry and I want the best thing for Cameron." I begged.

"I used to think that you were the best thing for Cameron. After I left here the other night I started to doubt that but right now I am here to tell you that Cameron absolutely deserves better and just so you know I will be calling Cameron after I leave here." Dove shook her head and walked past Bailee to exit the house

"Well, what a beautiful day it has been." Bailee chuckled, "I have to get back to filming. Kisses." She smiled before walking out. I could feel my heart being torn because I knew that when Cameron finds out that I might just lose him forever.


I need to have a little bit of drama in each of my books. I'll be updating a lot more so stay tuned!

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