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Liked by: Dovecameron, thecameronboyce, and 907,848 others

Chinamcclain Alexa, Play 'Truth hurts' by lizzo.
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I was on the set of black lightning about to end the final scene of the second to last episode. Jordan kept making me laugh off Camera or else we would have been over a long time ago.

"One more time!" The Director yelled, "Everyone else be quiet or leave the room. Also, china don't you have a plane to catch?"

"Yes sir!" I smiled. We're on a two week break after this scene so I'm headed back to L.A to spend time with my family.

"See you in two weeks!" He smiled. I ran out of the building after giving jordan a hug goodbye. I was ready to see my sisters after not seeing them for two months because we're all booking gigs.


"LOU!" I cheered as I was exiting the plane.

"CHI!" She yelled back. I dropped my bags and quickly jumped into her arms.

"I missed you so much!" I screeched.

"I missed you!" She smiled, "Mom and Dad are cooking dinner at home with Gabe and Sisi doesn't get in until tomorrow!" She explained.

"I'm so excited and I know you are too." I gushed

"So, how are things with you and Cameron?" Lou asked.

"Mom didn't tell you?" I answered

"No? What's up?"

"Cameron and I are on pause for right now." I explained while walking out of the airport.

"Really? He didn't say anything earlier when I saw him." She responded.

"You saw him earlier?" I questioned

"Yeah, he stopped by the house. Had that goofy ass grin on his face too." She giggled.

"Yeah, I miss that goofy ass grin." I responded.

"So what happened?" She asked. All my emotions came back as I was putting my stuff in the car.

"I fucked up." I sighed.

"Oh, no. You cheated on him?" Lou gasped.

"No! I would never do that. I tried to ruin his movie deal and his co-star who has the biggest crush on him kind of exposed me for it." I sighed, "I got crazy jealous and we haven't talked in a month."

"People make mistakes, Chi. I hope you and Cameron can work this out."

"Im angry at him now and I know I shouldn't be because this is my fault but damn.. a month?" My voice cracked, "Dove came to see me and I thought that he would come a few days later but that's not what happened. Dove thinks I have a thing for jordan." I snickered

"That's Sisi's man." Lou snickered, "you run into the house to see mom. I got your things." she smiled. I ran to our Apartment forgetting my shoes were untied and tripped

"Shit." I grumbled.

"Need a hand?" He asked. I looked above to see his sad face.

"No, Karan. I'm good." I said quietly while getting up and wiping the blood from my mouth, "see you later." I whispered. I ran in the house and smelled moms food which made me instantly smile


"SISTER!" Gabe yelled and brought me in for a bear hug, "Hey! Maya and I celebrated our 1 year today!" Gabe cheered.

"At least one of us gets our happy ending with the boyce clan." I joked. I made his smile fade once he remembered that Cameron and I weren't on good terms.

"I'm sorry Chi."

"Don't be! I love you." I giggled. I went to hug mom and dad while Lou came in and put my things upstairs. We were sitting at the kitchen table catching up on life over the last month and we each went to bed one by one. I couldn't make it up the stairs because my legs felt like jello so I just stayed on the couch. I stayed up watching Disney movies when someone knocked at my door. I went to open it and I smiled brightly

"TAJ!" I giggled and hugged him

"I missed you beautiful!" He chuckled.

"Come in!" I cheered while yawning.

"So" he paused, "it turns out that they aren't letting that guy out."

"Best news I've heard in the last month." I sighed in relief, "Do you know why?"

"I gave them lots of money to keep his ass in there." He chuckled, "so, what's this I hear about you and Cameron not speaking?" Hd asked.

"Oh, no." I grumbled.

"That bad huh?"

"Haven't said a word to each other in a month. I'm almost positive he broke up with me though." I shrugged.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I hate telling the reason to people so I'm just going to say that I fucked up and he told me he needed time to get over being angry with me. He said goodbye and here I am." I smiled sadly.

"Damn, I'm sorry Chi. Do you want me to try and talk to him?

"I don't think it will change anything but that's up to you." I sighed. Taj and I stayed up for the next two hours catching up. He talked about Lauryn and how she's finally like her old self again and doesn't need therapy as much and at this very moment I'm glad to have him apart of my life and I hope he can tell that I enjoy his company

Not a fan of this chapter. Thank you guys for all the love. I'll be updating sometime this weekend! :)

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