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I was back in Atlanta filming Black lightning. Well, I've been here for about three weeks now. In another week I'll be able to go back home. Both Jordan Calloway and Jordan fisher were sitting beside me waiting patiently on our next scene. We've been calling them JC and J the last few days.

"So you and that boyce kid are good?" JC asked.

"Good as ever." I smiled.

"It's about time." J rolled his eyes.

"Oh so there was drama drama." JC chuckled.

"Drama drama that isn't worth mentioning anymore." I shrugged.

"So what's he up to today?" J asked.

"He's promoting his new movie with bailee Madison." I groaned.

"Sounds like you're not excited about her?" JC questioned.

"Do tell him, China. Do Tell." J joked.

"Don't judge me, Okay?" I looked at JC and I knew he was ready to judge, "I tried to fuck up his career because I was jealous of his success and I was afraid Bailee was going to get the part. Put all the blame on Cam to hide my guilt and when he found out he put me on hold for seven weeks." I explained. They both looked at each other and JC started to laugh.

"What did you think was going to happen, Chi?" He snickered before I could make a comeback our directors walked up to us.

"China and Jordan you're scene is up." He said quickly and walked away.

"Which scene are you two doing?" J asked.

"Our Kissing Scene." Jc winked before I rolled my eyes. When we were on our way near the green screen I was stopped by one of the riverdale directors who decided to stop by today.

"China! Can we talk?" He asked.

"Now? I'm about to film a scene." I smiled.

"Yeah, it will only take a second." He reassured me. I followed him to the corner of the room where not a lot of people around.

"I'm directing a movie starting in a few weeks and I was watching the Chemistry that you had with Jordan Fisher! I think you guys should audition as our leads." He exclaimed. I couldn't help but smile and look back at Jordan who gave me a questioning look.

"I can't speak for Jordan but I would love that! When could I audition? Who all are you thinking about casting?" I asked.

"I have my eyes on You, Jordan Fisher, Sabrina Carpenter already has already been casted and so has Jaden Smith. Stop by the studio after work and I'll give you a script. Just come see me by Friday to Audition." He smiled before walking off to Jordan. What were we doing besides having a normal conversation that made him think we have chemistry?

I walked over to JC and he had a big ass grin on his face. I flashed a fake smile at him because I knew what he was about to say.

"Your boy was worried about him a few weeks ago just WAIT-"

"Shut up, Jordan." I groaned.

"I'm just saying. You know how girls know when someone likes their man? It's that way guys when it comes to his girl and I'm just here to tell you-"

"Don't say it."

"Jordan fisher likes you. Do I have to spell it out? J o -" I cut him off by punching his shoulder as hard as I could. "You fucktard." He groaned.

"Jordan fisher likes my sister. Not me." I replied sternly, "YO! Someone call action so I can kiss this dude and get out of here!" I demanded at the cast and Crew. I received a bunch of eye rolls but at this point JC pissed me off.


"You okay?" Jordan asked while we walked off set, "JC seemed-"

"Yeah, I'm good. Are you auditioning for whatever movie this director mentioned?" I asked

"Yeah. I thought I would give it a shot. Want to go pick up the script together?" He asked.

"We're already walking together." I replied plainly and shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey, don't let him get to you. Home dude just loves and cares for you. You're his family." He reassured me. I started to think on it and he was right, Jordan Calloway and I have been close since we started black lightning. We're not afraid to tease each other but we're also not afraid to put out the truth. Does Jordan Fisher really like my sister? Or is it me?

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now