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It's been four days since I've heard from Cameron. I'm suppose to leave tonight right after we finish this episode of Black Lightning. I told Jordan that I wasn't auditioning for the movie but he should still do it. I still don't know who told Cameron before I could tell him but I have a small inkling.

"That's a wrap! I'll see you guys in two weeks!" My Director yelled. I grabbed my bags that I had packed and I ran outside to catch the Next Cab.

"China! What am I suppose to tell the director of this movie?" Jordan yelled.

"I don't care!" I yelled back as a taxi approached, "TAXI!" I waved my hands. I got in quickly and told the driver where to go. I gave him as much cash upfront. I didn't care how much it was as long as it gets me to Cameron.

"He must be special, Eh?" He tried to make conversation.

"Very much so." I smiled, " I will give you another hundred if you speed the hell up!" I gave him more money and he started to speed.

Chi/my girl ❤️
Are you with Cameron?

Chloe ❣️
I'm about to be if my plans don't Change. Has he still not answered you?

Chi/my girl ❤️
I'm about to get on a flight to L.A. I'll see you soon.

Chloe ❣️
Chi, are you sure you want to come tonight?

Before I could answer I was dropped off at the Airport. My flight leaves in exactly thirty minutes. I grabbed all my things and bolted. It wasn't as crowded so security didn't take that long. I kept running through people and pissing them off before I finally arrived where I was suppose to be.

"China Anne McClain and here is my plane ticket." I took a deep breath before walking on my flight. I collapsed in my seat and I didn't care about the stares that I was getting.


I don't know if it's because I was completely nervous to see Cameron but I don't remember that flight being so long. I didn't even know if Cameron would still be awake but it was worth a shot.

I walked up to his door and started knocking. My palms were sweaty because I didn't want to lose my boyfriend. We really almost didn't survive last time and I don't want that to happen this time. His door slowly opened to her.

"China." She smirked. My heart completely dropped.

"Bailey." I nodded, "I'm here for Cameron." I explained.

"I could've guessed that." She bickered, "you're too late he just fell asleep." She smiled.

"I can't come in to see him?" I gave her a confused look, "I can't come in to see my own boyfriend?"

"Come back tomorrow when I'm not here." She winked and slammed the door in my face. I chuckled in Anger and I was definitely not walking away. I remembered how I always left my window unlocked to this house. I went to the side of the building. I got to the top and started to lift the window up.

"Shit." I grumbled as I forgot how heavy this window was. I got it open and I was about to lose my balance on the ladder so I jumped in the room.

Gun shots. Pain. I looked up to see Sophie with a frightened look on her face and a gun in her hand. She was shaking and dropped the gun on the bed. I forgot this wasn't my room anymore. I touched my stomach and saw the blood on my fingers.

"CHINA!" Sophie sobbed. The pain hit all at once and I screamed as loud as I could while I fell to the floor. My vision became blurry and I felt everything but also nothing at the same time. Whatever is happening to me, is painful.

They were blurry but I could see everyone rushing in. I saw familiar faces.. is the whole cast of Cameron's movie here? I'm almost positive I saw Bailee again but I couldn't tell.

'China?' Dove leaned over me. Why could I barely hear her? 'CAMERON!' She screamed. She held my hand and I completely felt that because it hurt to squeeze back. I cried in pain.

Cameron leaned over me. He then sat down completely and put my head in his lap.

"I called 911 and I called her parents!" Karan rushes in. I always loved the sound of his voice. It started getting dark. Am I fading away?

"No! Stay with me, Chi." Cameron pleaded, "i love you and I'm sorry"

"B-Bailee." I mumbled, "why is she here?" I whispered in pain before everything had went completely dark.


If you're still reading... you can freak out now.

Also, this book will be shorter than the first one.. I won't tell you when the last chapter will be so... :) Have a great day!

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now