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I could hear her. I could hear everything Dove was saying to me. I could hear everything Cameron said to me. I didn't realize I squeezed his hand but I could hear him. I was slowly hearing everything. I opened my eyes slowly and I started to choke on the vent when Cameron and Dove were asleep. Luckily there was a nurse who came to check on me.

"You're awake!" She smiled brightly. She caught all the nurses attention. Cameron and Dove eventually woke up to the noise and the nurses turned on the lights.

"Chi!" They smiled.

"Mmm." I mumbled as the light hurt my eyes, "I fucking hate That Bitch Bailee Madison." I groaned.

"I love you." Dove cried while trying not to laugh. I closed my eyes once the lights became too much.

"I love you both." I sighed while going back to sleep.


When I woke up again I was in a different room. It was much bigger than the last one. I was surrounded by my immediate family, Cameron, Dove, Karan, Sophie, Taj and Jordan Fisher.

"Soph." I smiled.

"Hi Chi." She sat down beside me, "Are you mad?"

"That you almost killed me? Never." I joked causing everyone to slightly chuckle.

"At least she still has her humor." Gabe sighed. I giggled and my eyes found Cameron's.

"Hello, my handsome freckles." I smiled.

"Hi beautiful." He chuckled, "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel like I'm going to sue your co-star for emotional and mental stress." I sighed. Everyone chuckled nervously as they were  afraid I might say that.

"Tell em boo." Dove hyped me up. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Hey strangers." I smiled at Taj and Jordan. Jordan was standing oddly close to Sierra and Taj chuckled while starting to cry.

"You can't scare me like that." Taj smiled, "Ever again." He added.

"Taj." I giggled.

"No more sneaking through windows." Dad chimed in. Sophie and Cameron tensed up and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Lesson learned." I said softly. I couldn't help but feel that although I'm alive and well there's still some tension in the room, "is everything okay?" I asked.

"Everyone thought you were going to die." Lou teared up, "some things were said and I wholeheartedly apologize for it." Lou cried. Cameron went to hug her as she sobbed some more.

"I'm just- I'm just really sorry, Chi." Sophie whispered, "it was never my intention to hurt you in any way."

"I know, Soph. It's okay though because I'm alive."

"I told Cameron he could marry you." Dad sighed stressfully.

"You did what?" I asked. I was shocked that my dad would ever agree to that.

"In five years." Cameron added, "We can get married in five years."

"What if I don't want to wait that long?" I asked.

"I'm gonna throw up." Dad whispered and sat down. Cameron and I couldn't help but giggle. I looked at Dove and Karan who both haven't said a thing yet.

"Are you two okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just thought I was going to lose someone to call ugly now and then." Kar spoke up and I immediately flipped him off.

"You almost left me here alone with these crazy people." Dove giggled through her tears.

"Chloe, don't make me cry." I whispered, "and you two?" I looked at Sierra and Jordan Fisher.

"Oh, right." Jordan spoke up, "Cameron, I never had a thing for China. Apparently that director thought I had chemistry with everyone who auditioned. I've been seeing Sierra for about two months now." Jordan smiled. I looked at Sierra who slightly blushed.

"We're both private people so don't act surprised." Sierra added. Cameron looked at me and held my hand

"I'm sorry you missed your audition because I was being a dick." Cameron apologized.

"No Cam-"

"I can call the director tomorrow and ask him to give you a second chance." Cameron added.

"Cameron, no I don't-"

"and I'll stop doing the movie press with bailey." Cameron admitted.

"I actually kind of like that idea." I chuckled, "but I'm not interested in doing that movie." I added.

"You're not?" Jordan questioned.

"I'm done." I let out a huge deep breath.

"Done?" My dad and Cameron asked at the same time.

"I love to sing. That has always been my passion and acting is just added on stress."

"So you're quitting?" Dove made a face and i was afraid she was going to slap me.

"For now, yes." I smiled. Everyone looked at each other like I was crazy. Acting is also getting in the way of my relationship and I would rather lose acting than Cameron. I will choose Cameron over anything.

"China I don't think-" I knew what Cameron was going to say but I had already made up my mind.

"I'm not quitting forever." I chuckled and grabbed his hand again, "I just realized the last few minutes what's important and that's all of you." I smiled at everyone in the room, "and I'm never giving up singing." I added.

"We support you in whatever you do." Dad added, "because there will never be another China with your heart and personality."

"Great." I smiled and then it faded, "we do have a problem though." I sighed.

"What's that?" Mom smiled.

"I don't have any feeling in my left arm." I confessed.

"The doctor said that there could be damage to your body. It's okay baby, physical therapy will help." Mom replied and kissed my forehead. I love all these people and I have no clue what I would do without them.

"You're my best friend, Chi." Lou spoke up and kissed my forehead.

"I love you, lou." I cried, "you're the best second oldest sister ever and best friend." I smiled.

"GROUP HUG BITCHES!" Maya yelled.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Karan asked.

"That is none of your business." Maya hissed at him. Everyone chuckled at the love hate relationship they still had.

"Group hug." I replied softly before I was tackled with love.

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now