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"Dove! Watch out!" China yelled as she was roller skating towards her and lost her balance but ended up pulling Dove down with her. I couldn't help but chuckle as they winced in pain.

"Stupid.. bitch." Dove groaned. I looked over to Karan and Sophie at the table as they were still arguing. They've been arguing since last night and Karan has been really distant.

"Oh no!" China whined and then squatted.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked and kneeled to her eye level.

"Cam, I can't get up." She whispered.

"Uh.. why not?"

"I ripped my pants. They're ripped. In the back. I don't want anyone to see my hot pink underwear."

"I'd like to see it." I joked.

"It's not funny!" She whined and pinched my arms.

"Ow! Shit. Here's my jacket, Princess." I sighed and wrapped my jacket around her waist. She did her cute giggle, gave me a small kiss and skated around some more.

"Cam?" Dove questioned.

"What's up?"

"What's wrong with Sophie and Karan? Are they on the edge of breaking up?"

"Sophie and Karan? Breaking up? I don't think so. They were fine two days ago." I watched as Sophie stormed away and Karan looked like he was stressing, "Let me go talk to him."

"Alrighty." She whispered. I walked over to Karan as he had his head down on the table.

"Karan?" I asked and got his attention, "What's wrong?"

"Sophie's late." He simply replied.

"Late?" I questioned


"On what?"

"Cameron." Karan cracked a smile for the first time in two days, "What would you do if China told you she was late?" He asked and then it hit me.

"Oh shit! Karan.." I started off, "I haven't been in your situation as China and I haven't gotten that far yet but how late?" I asked.

"Today makes a week and she's refusing to take a pregnancy test. Cameron, I'm not ready to be a dad and we never talked about what we would do if we got put in this situation."

"Maybe I could talk to China and see if she can get through to Sophie?" I asked.

"China can get through to anyone." Karan sighed. I looked back at her and she was already looking at me. I motioned for her to come walk with me and she ran towards me and tackled me with a hug.

"What's up?" She giggled while grabbing ahold of my hand.

"I need you to talk to Soph."

"Did she do something?"

"It's what she's not doing." I added.

"Okay.." China started off, "What is she not doing?"

"Taking a pregnancy test." I said plainly.

"A WHAT?" She screeched. I immediately covered her mouth.

"You dumb shit." I whispered, "shut up." I followed with a little chuckle.

"A pregnancy test?" She whispered, "How late is she?"

"Today makes a week."

"Guacamole." She sighed, "Yeah, where did she go? I'll talk to her."

"I think she went back to her apartment."

"Alright, well that's where I'll be." She gave me a quick kiss, "I love you."

"Love you." I smiled as she ran off.


The rink was about 10 minutes from Sophie and even Cameron's apartment. I knew where her key was but surprisingly her door was unlocked.

"Soph." I called out. "Sophie?" I repeated. I walked to her bathroom and I could hear silent cries. I walked in to her looking at herself in the mirror and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Karan told you?" Sophie questioned.

"He told Cameron and Cameron told me. Are you?" I asked. She was completely silent and bursted into more tears.

"I lied."

"Lied about you being late?" Sophie questioned.

"No! I lied about how late I was." Sophie cried, "China, I've taken five pregnancy tests in three weeks and they were all.. positive."

"Sophie." I comforted her, "it's okay, Karan will understand he wants to be there for you."

"No, Chi!" Sophie Sobbed, "I started having pain today and when I went to the bathroom while you guys were skating and- and." She couldn't finish her sentence.

"You had— you're having a miscarriage?" My voice cracked, "Sophie do we need to go to the doctor?" I questioned.

"No!" She sobbed, "how am I suppose to tell my mom? They would call her! I'm not eighteen yet. How- How am I suppose to tell Karan." Sophie sat down slowly and started sobbing.

"Baby." I whispered and sat down beside her and pulled her into a hug, "if this was me I would want my mom. I would want my boyfriend to comfort me. You don't have to go through this alone, Soph."

"I'm never having sex again." Sophie whispered.

"Don't lie to yourself." I shot hack which made her giggle between her sobs.

"You were the last person I would expect to be close to." Sophie admitted.

"I feel the same way." I smiled, "do you want to tell them together?" I asked.

"Please." She smiled. I picked up the phone to call Cameron with Sophie starting to calm down.

"Hello?" He picked up.

"I need you guys over here quickly. I know what's going on with Sophie"

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now