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"You good?" Dove asked. Dove dragged me along to her dress fittings today because we both were lost without China. Although, I'm confused with her again.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged.

"Nah. You're not good. What's up?" She asked.

"Do you know who Jordan Calloway is?"

"China's dreamy black lightning costar? Yeah, but you have nothing to be worried about. He loves China like family." Dove explained.

"I'm not worried about him." I started off, "He texted me the other day and told me I needed to watch out for Jordan Fisher."

"Jordan fisher?" Dove snickered, "isn't he obsessed with Sierra?"

"According to Jordan Calloway not that much as the producers for Riverdale reached out to China and Jordan Fisher to star in his next movie because they have great chemistry." I added, "China has yet to mention this to me and it just makes me wonder.. what we're they doing for the producer to think they had any kind of Chemistry with each other?"

"Oh no." Dove sighed, "Don't get into your head too much, Cam. I don't want you guys to fight over movie roles anymore."

"I'm just trying to understand. He's been staying with her in Atlanta and I'm questioning everything." I explained.

"Well, Call her and Confront her." Dove suggested, "How are you going to find anything out if you don't ask?"

"Let's just go to Atlanta." I blurted out.

"Let's do it. Just rearrange your schedule and I'll buy the plane tickets." She smiled, "and can I ask you a question?"

"Always, Chlo."

"Have you and China done anything? Like have you gotten that far?" She asked honestly. I scratched my head as I wasn't prepared for this question.

"The day after things happened with Sophie and her mom.." I started off, "Yeah, That day."

"That's not why you're jealous now, right?"

"No! Jesus no." I shook my head, "I'm just so confused on why she wouldn't tell me this and I have to hear it from someone who makes it seem like there's something more." I explained again.

"Okay." She sighed and smiled, "pack your bags! We're going to Atlanta!" Dove yelled.


"I love playing roles like this!" I squealed, "This reminds me of Uma."

The movie was basically about a girl who was mean and cold as hell because of her home life. She only has one friend that she's on the edge of losing because she's tired of being the punching bag. She's been applying for colleges far far away since freshman year of high school and while she was out applying for Jobs she runs into a guy she hasn't seen since her second foster home and clicks immediately.

"That's all we get?" I sighed.

"We can't know what happens in the end." Jordan chuckled, "since it's about our Chemistry I'm assuming we fall in love."

Forever, Remember? Sequel to Please Don't Go Where stories live. Discover now