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A source of creativity, a bright spark that sets off your wild mind, 

It can come from anything, a beautiful sunset or a gesture that was kind. 

Setting off a fire inside you, a burning passion that starts something great,

When you find something that sparks your interest, it might seem like fate.

Like when a machine that has been stalling finds the strength to restart,

Give you the power and urge to start a story or an enchanting piece of art!

Sometimes giving you the hope you need, to get you back on your feet,

And when you find your inspiration you can finally feel complete.

The beauty of inspiration is that it can start the best of things, 

That becomes famous and well-known that it's adored by queens and kings. 

But what does define inspiration can it also be good and bad,

If it makes you look like a failure or a loser that makes you feel sad?

Though everything has good and bad effects, nothing is ever perfect,

So all you need to do to find good inspiration is to find the right subject.

♡ Midnight Poetry ♡Where stories live. Discover now