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A piercing crack of lightning and booming thunder echoes through the air, 

Bang! Crash! Snap! Crack! Boom! 

Shivering, quivering, shaking, scared beyond reason and belief,

I just want this nightmarish storm to end so I can have some sort of relief. 

Bang! I begin to bury myself in a pile of warm red blankets, 

Crash! I climb deeper into the cozy bubble that gives me protection. 

Snap! I push myself against the wall as far away from outside as I can be,

Crack! I flinch, then I'm petrified, too frightened to attempt to move!

Boom! It's so intense and terrifying that I think that I'm going to die,

Suddenly, all of the sounds attack at once and I don't know what to do!

So I scream as loud as I can and cry just to push away the pain,

Then, everything is quiet, the thunder's gone, it's just soft. 

I feel a warmth surround me that I've never felt before, 

Someone there for comfort just to help me push away the harm...

I am damaged, forever scarred by brutal storms and wicked weather,

But I'm still stuck here getting attacked by ruthless fear, 

And the many voices in my head just won't leave me alone! 

The warmth is still there, giving the peace I need so I can wallow in shame,

I don't have to say goodbye because I'm not going to die now, because I'm here with you...  

♡ Midnight Poetry ♡Where stories live. Discover now