Video Shoot

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Billie texted me last night asking me if I wanted to go to her video shoot of her new song bad guy, so here I am up at 7 am just to get ready. I take a shower, put on makeup, and curl my hair. Not because I think I'm going to be in the video but because I wanna look presentable. I finish getting ready by 8:30 so I have some time to kill. I listen to music and decided to put on some perfume, then my phone dings
Billie: ready?
                                        Me: yeah, I'm coming now

Is this actually happening, am I really hanging out with Billie Eilish. This is now real life.
I show up at Billies door and just as I'm about to knock she opens it and tells me to come in. I walk in observing my surroundings.

"Your house is nice" I say

"Thank you" she replied "come with me"
She takes me to her room and I stand at her doorframe, like what she did at my house

"Come in" she said laughing

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure I was welcomed" I said winking and giggling
I take a seat on her bed and notice her room has red LED lights.

"So why red?" I ask

"Incase things get steamy in here" she said winking

"Whoa" I said laughing

"It really sets the mood" she said blushing, trying to hide it but not doing a very good job.

"Billie are you ready!" Maggie yelled

"Yeah, coming!" Billie yelled back "come on ms. Y/L/N" she said waiting for me to put my arm in hers

"Behind you ms. O'Connell" I said slightly blushing and laughing.
Was I catching feelings for Billie? Nope. I'm straight, she's straight, we're both straight, and it's too soon.
Billie looks and me and I look at her holding eye contact for a few seconds.
NO STRAIGHT! Can she hear my thoughts? No she can't what kind of questions is that?

"You okay?" Billie asked with concern In her crystal blue eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied.

"Okay let's get this show I'm the road girls!" Maggie said "How are you Y/N?" Maggie asked me

"I'm good Mrs, Baird, thank you"

"Please, Maggie." She said smiling
Billie looked at me smiling with her prefect dimple

Me and Billie get in the car and she sits in the back with me while she lets Finneas sit in the front.

"You sure you don't want the front Billie?" Finneas asked

"Nah it's cool, I'll sit back here with Y/N" she said smiling at me.
In 45 minutes we were to our destination, Billie got out first and held her hand out for me to take

"Mah lady" she said laughing

"Why, thank you ma'am" I said laughing back

"You guys are so weird" Maggie said laughing at us both

"We're unique, mom" Billie said.
We walk into the building and Billie greets everyone with hugs and smiles. She's so soft oh my god, it's unreal.
Stop, you can't fall for her. She's straight you're straight.
Finneas wraps his arm around my shoulder and says

"This is it kid, it only gets crazier from here" winking at me.
Was I falling for Billie? Is she falling for me too?

Oou teaaa, whats gonna happen ? Does Billie like her back. Or are they both straight? Hm hard to tell 🤷‍♀️

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now