Is she okay

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"Yea, she's not in pain anymore. I totally understand" i heard Maggie say from the side of my bed

"Talk soon, bye" she ended the call

"Who was it?" I asked

"Your mom. She said there are no available flights and it's a 6 hour drive" Maggie said

"Did I pass out?" I asked

"Yea, from the pain" she said

"Damn" I said

"Where's Billie?" I asked

"She'll be here soon" Maggie replied

"Does she know that I broke my arm?" I asked

"Yea. She literally stopped in the middle of singing to check on you" Maggie said with a sweet smile

"She's too sweet" I said with a blush

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice call

"Y/n?" They said again

"I'm here" I replied

"Jesus. Are you okay?" Billie asked as soon as she saw me

"Yea, it's just a broken arm Bil" I said with a giggle

"Not just any broken arm. My babys broken arm" she said

"Billie. You. Could. Of. Waited. For. Me" Finneas said trying to catch his breath

"Oops" she said laughing at him

"How you feeling?" He asked

"Fine" I replied with a smile

Then the doctor walked

"Wow your quite popular Ms. y/l/n. I'm doctor Beck" the doctor said with a smile and I returned a smile back

"Is she okay?" Billie asked

"She's fine. She just broke the Radius. It's a clean break so we'll take more X-rays, cast it, then she can go home tomorrow" doctor Beck said

"That's good" Maggie said looking at me

"How did this happen?" He asked me

"My girlfriend Billie" I said looking at her has she gave a slight smile

"Was preforming at her concert and I forgot my phone so I ran to get it then when I was running back I slipped on something and yea" I explained

"Okay, anything else?" He asked

"I thought I just dislocated my shoulder because it hurt so bad" I added

"You did but we fixed that already while you were passed out. That's why you gave an arm sling" he said pointing to my shoulder

"Oh, okay. I thought it was for extra support on my break" I said

"That too" he said

"Is this your mom?" He asked gesturing to Maggie

"She's my mom" Billie said

"My moms in LA" I added

"We can't really release you to anyone who's not family" the doctor said

"I give my consent" I heard my mom say over the phone

Maggie must've called her again

"Okay, perfect" the doctor said

"If you need anything just push your call button. I'll be in and out to check up on you" he said

"When will you cast her arm?" Billie asked

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