Lodon 1

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"Billie, sound check in ten" Patrick said coming into the green room

"We just got here" Billie said

"I know, but we were running late today remember?" He asked

"Oh yea" Billie said as she nodded her head

"Wasn't my fault though" she put her hands up in surrender looking at me

"I can't show up to my girlfriends concert without any makeup on" I said

"You could" she said

"Not if I don't want to look like a crack head" I laughed

"You'd be my crack head though" she pouted

I gave her a look before I spoke

"No" I simply said

She groaned and threw her head back

"I wish you wouldn't throw your head back like that" I said

"Why?" She asked

"You know why" I said

She smirked

"Is it cause I make you horny" she continued to smirk but this time with a laugh

"No, it's because you have neck problems, nasty ass" I laughed

"Fuck you" she laughed back

"You would like that, wouldn't you ?" I asked

She thought for a moment

"Yes" she replied

I lightly slapped her chest

"Okay, let's go" she said

In nodded my head and stood up off the couch. Billie took this as a chance to connect her hand with mine. She opened the door for me and we walked out for the green room to the stage together

"Where are my in-ears?" She asked

The sound guy looked absolutely clueless as to where they were

"Ah shit" she said

Just then, the sound guy left to go find them I assume. After about five minutes, he came back with them in hand along with the sound pack that clips to her pants

"Thank you" she said to him

He gave her a warm smile before he hooked them up and clipped it to her pants


"Can you believe one more show after this and then it's over" Billie said as I was sitting her lap

"I can't, it's all surreal" I said

She nodded her head as she rubbed my thighs up and down

"Dont do that" I said

She pouted , like I had hurt her feelings

"Why?" She asked

"You shouldn't start something you can't finish" I said

"Who said I couldn't finish?" She smirked

Just then, Patrick came in

"Ten minutes" he said

Right when he closed the door, I turned and looked at Billie again

"Told you" I laughed

"Fine" she pouted

I got up off her lap and waited for her by the door

"Hurry" I said

"I'm coming, wait" she laughed

I shook my head and continued to wait. I watched as she put her necklaces on one at a time

"Okay" she said waking over to me

"Let's go" I said

She nodded her head and grabbed my hand. We walked down the hall to the side of the stage to be greeted by everyone already there

"Last ones to arrive I see" Claudia said

"They we're probably fu-" Finneas started before he got cut off

"Dont finish that" billie laughed

He put his hands up in a surrender before he was about to walk on the stage

"Not so fast" Billie said grabbing him by the collar of his shirt

"What?" He asked

"I have to do my speech" Billie said

"You've never done these before this tour" he said

"That was before I had a girlfriend who made me all cheesy and shit" she shrugged

Finneas looked at me as I gave him a cheeky smile

"Okay, this is literally almost the last show. We have one more after this and then that's it. I say we put everything we have left into these last two" Billie said

"I agree" Finneas spoke

"Let's go and have a good show" Billie said

"You kids will do amazing, you always do" Maggie smiled

We all smiled and pulled each other into a group hug

"Let's do this shit" Finneas said hyped up

"Let's do this" Billie said as we all pulled away from the hug

Finneas walked on stage first. Of course the audience cheered right as they saw him

"Okay" Billie said turning to me

"Have fun, don't hurt your ankles" I said

"I'll try" she laughed

I shared a sweet gentle kiss with her before she walked on the stage and bad guy started playing

"Crazy how fast it flies huh?" Claudia asked

"Yea" I smiled

"One more show" she said

"One more show" I repeated

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now