I missed you guys

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Billie's POV

I scan the bus for any noise or to see if anyone is up

"Of course I'm the first one up" I said to myself

"No you're not" I heard a voice

"Claudia?" I asked

"Good morning" she said

I got out of my bunk and soon after so did Claudia

"Why are you up this early?" I asked

"It's ten" she laughed

"That's early" I said

"The road is too bumpy" she said

I nodded my head agreeing with her because that's the reason I woke up as well

"Come on. I don't want to wake anyone up" she said gesturing to the kitchen area

I followed her and took a seat on the opposite end of her

"So what's up? I feel like we her talk anymore" she said

It had just occurred to me that she was right. Between shows, her spending all her time with Finneas, and me spending all my time with y/n, we don't talk as much as we used to

"Nothing much. Just super excited" I said starting to feel pumped

"I know you are" she laughed as she saw me getting eager

"Have you told the fans?" She asked

I shook my head no

"Is it a surprise?" She asked

"No, not necessarily. I just haven't had time to tell them yet," I said

"When's the show?" She asked

"Tomorrow" I replied

She nodded her head, letting me know that she understood

"Should I tell them?" I asked

"Yess, post a story or something" she said

Right as she said that, I whipped my phone out.

"Ou" I said

"What?" Claudia asked

"Megan posted a new picture" I said

"Megan?" She asked

"The stallion?" I said confused

"Ooooh" she said now understanding

I took a few minutes to scroll through Instagram and like a few posts from fan pages

"Look" I said showing her an edit of her and Finneas

"Awe, that's cute" she said

I smiled and continued to look through posts

"Okay" I said ready I post a story of some sort

I sat there in a blank space for a moment.

"What should I say?" I asked

"Uhhh" Claudia just looked at me

"What about 'I'm back bitches. Did you miss me?'" I asked

"Bil" Claudia said

"What?" I asked

"Try something cute" she laughed

"That's so cheesy though" I said sang

"That's what they love most about you... when you're cheesy" she said

I just gave her a knowing look

"Fine" I said

I took a picture of the tour bus roof and started to think of something to say. Once I thought of  something, I typed away

"Okay, read this" I said handing her my phone

"I got you" she said taking it

"Hey guys. I missed you, but I'm back and can't wait to finish the tour. Take care of each other" she read out loud

I gave a cheeky grin before she handed my my phone back

"That's good. Now post it" she said

"Will do mOm" I laughed

I pressed post and set my phone down

"Happy to be back" I whispered to myself

Short, short, short one

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now