Oh hell naw

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"Oh hell naw" I said starting to close the door

"Y/n, please wait" Billie said putting her hand in the door so I couldn't close it

"What the fuck do you want" I said mad just now realizing that Finneas and Claudia are watching

"Oh hi fin, hi Claudia" I said waving at them and they waved back awkwardly

"I- I got you these" Billie said holding us my favorites roses

"It's gonna take more than flowers Billie" I said

"I know, that's why I'm here. I flew here for you. To see you" she said

"Okay. And?" I asked

"Let me come in, please. So we can talk" she said

I looked at her deep in the eyes. I can see the hurt in them. I moved to the side to let her in

"Yes, thank you" she said

"You guys wanna come in too?" I asked fin and Claudia

"Nah, we're good" he said heading to their house across the street

I closed my front door to be met with Billie still standing

"Let's go to my room" I said

"Hey billie. I didn't know you were in town" my mom said waving to her

"Hello Jennifer. I flew here." Billie responded

My mom shot me a "she's a keeper" type look

"We'll be in my room mom" I said

"Okay honey" she said

I walked in my room and sat on the bed, Billie stood at the door frame like she did the first time we hung out

"Come in" I said

"I just wanted to make sure I was welcomed" she said quoting her line from that same day

"Enough. Now what do you want?" I asked

"You. I want us. I want us to be okay. That kiss meant nothing to me. She forced herself on me and I didn't know what I was doing. Sure I kissed back but I instantly regretted it. I would never ever in a bazillion years wanna hurt you y/n. I love you. I'm so madly in love with you it scares me. I think about you all the time. My every thought is you. Not talking to you for a whole week has been killing me. Even you yelling at me is all I need because I get to hear your voice" Billie explained with passion and a tear rolling down her cheek

"Billie" I said wiping her tear before I was cut off

"I'm not done. I'm truly sorry for every ounce of pain I have caused you, I hope you can forgive me" she said handing me my roses

"These are my favorite flowers after all" I said

"Billie. I miss you. I'm sorry I overreacted" i said once I smelled the roses

"You didn't overreact. I would of said the same thing" she said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear

After about an hour of me and billie talking and working out our problems, she asked the question.

"Do- do you forgive me?" She asked

"I.. forgive you" I said

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You will not regret it. I love you pieces" she said plastering kisses all over my face

"I love you too billie" I said smiling

"As much as I love you, you stink, please go shower" she said

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now