Facetime me

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"No. Stop. Please don't hurt her" I said in my sleep

"Take me instead" I continued.

I jolted up and I was breathing heavy

"Bad dream" I said to myself

I searched my bed for my phone and when I found it I quickly checked the time

"Two thirty am. Great" I said to myself

I knew Billie was probably busy or sleeping but I texted her anyways to calm myself down and to know she was okay

                                     Billie ❤️
Me: I know you're probably sleeping or busy but I really just needed to text you. I had a bad dream that something happened to you and I just wanna make sure you're okay. I miss you already
Read 2:36 am

          Incoming FaceTime from Billie ❤️
(You bold billie underlined)

"What's wrong mama" she said raising an eyebrow out of concern

"I just had a bad dream"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Well... you were kidnapped or something and they were gonna do something to you but I don't know what because I woke up right there" I said starting to tear up as she listened

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. I'm right here and I'm okay. I won't leave you and I won't let anyone hurt you or me" she said looking soft

"I just really miss you"

"Baby, it hasn't even been a day" she said with a cheeky grin

"I know but I'm attached to you"

I have one more show since I did one tonight then I can spend all the time in the world with you" she said lovingly

"Okay" I said with a pout

"Go ahead and get some sleep. I'll stay on the phone with you, okay?" She said

"Okay" I said

"I love you so much. Goodnight princess" she said

"Goodnight bubba. I love you too" I said laying back down

With that I closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep


"Y/n, baby wake up" I heard a small voice coming from next to me

"It's already gonna be 1 over there" she said again

I started to stir awake. When I opened my eyes I was met with Billies beautiful face in the phone

"Ah, good morning sleeping beauty" she teased

"I was tired" I said with a grin

"I know. I'm glad you slept. How's your arm?" She asked

"It's good" I responded

"No pain?"



"What are your plans today?"

"I have an interview then I got invited to this party for the end of my US tour"

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now