Sick cast

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I was awoken by a light knock on the door at exactly 8 am. I looked down and saw Billie sleeping peacefully right next to me.

"Come in" I tried to whisper, trying my best not to wake billie up since she was up all night watching me

"Good morning y/n" Patrick said with Maggie and Finneas following behind him

"What's wrong with her?" Finneas asked Pointing to Billie

"She was up all night" I said

"Why?" Maggie asked

"She wanted to make sure I was okay, even though i told her I was fine" I answered

"When do I get out?" I asked

"By 10" Maggie replied

"Thank god" Billie said sitting up with her sleepy voice

"Good morning sunshine" I said with a giggle

"Morning baby, how'd you sleep?" She asked

"Okay" she said trying not to sound tired

"Don't lie" I said

"I'm a little tired" she said

"I told you I didn't need you to stay up with me" I said

"I don't mind at all" she said

"Yes you do" I said

"No I don't. Now it's final" she said sounding a little stern

"I love you though" she said making sure I knew

"I love you too" I said with puppy dog eyes

"We're just gonna wait until you're released" Maggie said

Right after she said that the doctor walked in

"Good morning y/n, looks like you'll be going home at 9 today" he said with a smile

"Thank you so much" I said

"We'll her your release papers ready so you can head out" he said

"Sounds good" I replied

Minutes later, a nurse came in with the papers and Maggie filled them out while in the phone with my parents

"The flight doesn't leave until 11:30 since we thought you would get out at 10" patrick said

"It's okay" I said

"We can wait" Billie replied

"Okay, sounds good" Patrick said

"I'm gonna go get Claudia from the hotel since she wanted to get a few more minutes of sleep" Finneas said

"Meet us at the airport" Maggie said looking up from the papers

"Will do" he said walking out


The flight was smooth but security not so much. They thought that since I had a cast, I was "smuggling" something which is stupid. Luckily I still had my hospital bracelet on and they saw it and let me go

"Everyone find your bags" Patrick said

"You okay?" Billie asked, protecting my arm

"Bil, I'm fine" I said with a smile

"Just making sure" she said

We all piled into the Uber and headed to our homes. As we turned down our street, my arm started to ache

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