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Billies POV

I woke up not too long ago because my body felt well rested. I look over to my left and see y/n still peacefully sleeping.

"We'll be landing in the next 15 minutes" the pilot said over the speakers.

"Wake up mamas" I whispered to y/n

"No" she grunted

"Too bad, you have to" I said shaking her more vigorously

"Fine, what do you want?" She asked

"We're landing in about 10 minutes" I told her

"Thank god, my back is killing me. When is your show?" She said

"Not until tomorrow, I believe" I answered

"Okay, good that means I have the whole day to sleep" she said

"Yea" I replied with a giggle

"You guys good up there?" I asked Finneas and Claudia

"Great. You good?" He asked back

"Great" to which I replied

"We should be at the hotel In the next 15 minutes" Finneas said

" Okay sounds good" I replied

I turned my head to admire y/n. God her side profile is amazing. I continued to admire her until I got caught

" what are you looking at?" She asked

" you're just so so beautiful" I replied

"stooooppp, that's all you" she said

" i'm serious I could look at you all day and will never get tired of it" I replied

"I love you" she said placing a kiss on my cheek

"And I love youu" I replied kissing her hand

"Aweeee, how cute, now get a room" Finneas said from the front of the car

"You're just jealous" I said kissing y/n on the lips

"How- I have Claudia" he said

"You're just jealous you guys aren't as cute" I said

"Shut up, yes we are" he defended

"Keep telling yourself that, buddy" y/n teased

"Sh" he shushed her

"Sorry, not sorry" she teased

Soon after we arrived at the hotel and y/n looked a little nervous. I don't know why, but she did. I quickly grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze assuring that it's okay.

"Hello Ms. Eilish." The door man said

"Hey Frank. Please, Billie" I said with a smile

" you know the hotel doorman?" Y/n asked

" yea he's dope as fuck" replied

" Who might this be?" The door man asked

" this is my girlfriend Y/n, I went all the way back to Los Angeles to get her" I replied

" Nice to meet you y/n" the doorman said

" pleasure to meet you frank" y/n said shaking his hand

As we said our goodbyes we went to the elevator with Finneas and Claudia following behind us

"You remember you room number?" Finneas asked

"Yup" I replied

"Okay good." He said

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now