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I'm woken up by the sun shining directly in my eyes through my curtains. I look over and see Billie still sleeping. She's effortlessly beautiful, of course. I take this time to admire her for a few minutes. Creepy I know.

"I can feel you staring" she mumbled with her eyes still closed

"Sorry, i just cant get enough of you" I smiled even though she couldn't see it

"Trust me, after last night, I know" she giggled

"Shut up" I said lightly smacking her

"No really. You were begging for me for more after our third round" she laughed louder this time

"Jesus Billie, shut up" I stared laughing with her

"What time is it?" She asked

"Uhhh eleven thirty" I said looking at my phone

"A.m ?" She asked

"nO pM tHaTs wHy iTs dAylIghT oUtSiDe" I said sarcastically

"Aweee, is my baby extra sarcastic today" she pouted

"A little" I gave a cheeky grin

"Are you gonna come with me?" I asked

"To?" She asked back

"To get this bitch off" I said pointing to my cast

"Oh shit, I honestly forgot you had it, you're still very.... active with it" she smirked

"Well it was on my arm not my-" I was cut off

"Y/n, Billie, hurry so you make it the appointment on time" my mom shouted

"Are your parents coming?" Billie asked

"No, just me and you. If you want to come, of course you don't have to" I said

"CaIm down baby, I want to" she smiled

"Okay" I gave a dorky smile


"You excited?" Billie asked

"Very, my arm probably looks like a noodle" I pouted

"I'll still love your noodle arm" she said pulling into a parking spot

"Now or never" she smiled unbuckling her seat belt as i unbuckled mine

We walked in it the doctors office and check in at the desk. All that was left to do is wait for the doctor and get this son of a bitch off.

I must of been nervous because my leg was bouncing up and down at a rapid pace

"Baby, what's wrong?" Billie asked putting her hand on my knee

"Nothing" I said

"You're nervous" she said

"A little" I said back

"It's gonna be okay. Your arm seems to be doing fine, it's going to be okay" she kissed my cheek and smiled. I just gave a light smile back

"Y/n, Y/l/n" a female nurse came out

Me and Billie both stood up

"Hi, follow me" she said taking us to the back

We walked it this room and I sat on the check up table
(I have no idea what those things are called but you guys get what I'm saying hopefully)

"Your doctor will be in shortly" she smiled and walked out

"She was so checking your out" Billie said once the nurse left

"Bil, she was like thirty and she had a ring on her finger" I said

"Oh shit for real" she said

"Yes, you idiot" I laughed at her

"Hey" she snickered

Within a matter of ten minutes, there was a knock at the door

"Come in" Billie and I said at the same time

"Hi, I'm doctor West, you must be y/n" the female doctor said

"That's me" I smiled

"And you're Billie" she smiled at Billie

"You know me?" Billie asked

"Who doesn't" the doctor joked

"True" Billie said

"Alright, lets have a look at your arm" she said looking around my cast

"Are you ready to get this off?" She asked me

"Yes" I smiled

"Perfect, let me go get the tools" doctor West said, getting up from her stool

She went to get the saw looking tool and came back within three minutes.

"Okay, so this is called a cast saw, now I know this looks scary, but it doesn't hurt at all it sounds scary too, but I promise you it does not hurt" she said emphasizing that does not part

"Okay" I smiled

"Can I hold your outer hand?" Billie asked

"Billie, I'm fine" I said

"I know, but I'm not" she laughed as she took hold of my uncasted hand

The doctor smiled at us and started the cast saw and took it to my cast. I squeezed Billies hand a little tighter

"Okay, now time for the last side" she said

"Okay! It's off. Now let's take a look at your arm to see how well it has healed" she said

"Awesome! Your arm has healed nicely, looks like you won't need a brace" she said After about 3 minutes of examining

"Let me go get a few papers and I'll let you be on your way" Dr. West smiled at both Billie and I

"Well that's great news!" Billie smiled at me, letting go of my hand

"Yea, thank you for holding my hand, I guess I did need it" I kissed her cheek

"My Pleasure" she gave a cheeky smile with a kiss on the lips

"Okay, you're all set" the doctor came back in and gave me the papers

"Thank you so much" i smiled

"You're welcome" she smiled

With that, me and Billie were on on way.

"I feel so free" I said getting into Billies car

"I bet" she smiled

"It doesn't look as skinny as I thought it would" I said

"It looks really good, I'm glad everything is okay and healed correctly" Billie said

"Hopefully when we go back on tour, you'll be more careful while running" she pouted

"I'll try, I am clumsy though" I laughed

The car ride home just consisted of us singing to the songs that were playing on the radio and talking


"Hey, how'd it go?" My mom asked as we walked through the front door

"It went really good" I said whipping out my arm to show them

"Ha! Your arm looks like a noodle" my dad teased

"Antonio!" My mom said slapping him

"Ouch, I mean a lovely noodle at that" he added

"It's fine, I like it" I said

"And so do I" billie added you which my parents laughed at

"So do you girls want something to eat?" My mom asked

"Yea" we both said at the same time

"Perfect!" My mom said

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