Should I tell her?

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Billies POV
I don't actually have a meeting today I just told y/n that because I'm planning a little date for us since we haven't had one yet.

"Fin!" I yelled throughout the house

"Yea bil, what's up" he responded

"I need you and Claudia to go to target and get some snacks, she likes hot Cheetos, m&ms, jolly ranchers, and get some takis" I told him

"Why can't you get them?" He asked

"Because I already told you I have to call the place to see if they can rent it out to me so me and y/n can have privacy without the paps" I responded sounding a bit annoyed

"Oh right I forgot, okay I'll text Claudia now" he said

Perfect. This date is gonna go exactly as planned.. hopefully

I haven't heard from Billie yet, so I'm assuming her day is really busy so I decided to text Isabella to see if she wanted to hang out, strictly as friends and friends only though.
                                                         Me: Hey you busy rn? Wanna hang out?

Isabella: omg I'm so down

                                                      Me: Awesome here's my address *insert address*

Isabella: be over in a few babe 😚

I finish getting ready, pitting on some light make up and throwing on some black ripped jeans with a white t shirt, then my phone dinged.

Billie: hiii baby, are you free tn?

                                                    Me: I'm Always free for you bubba ❤️

Billie: I'll pick you up at your door at 7:00 okay?

                                      Me: okay, what are we doing ?

Billie: it's a surprise mamas

                                                                Me: Okayy ❤️

Billie: see you in 5 hours ❤️

And with that I left her on read because my door bell rang

"Mom, dad my friend Isabella is here to hang out" I yelled

"Okay honey have fun!" My mom yelled back

I head to my door to open it for Isabella and I'm greeted with a hug

"Hey beautiful!" She said smiling

"Hii" I said slightly blushing

"What do you wanna do?" She asked

"Well let's go to my room, we can watch Netflix or something" I suggest

"Sounded like a plan" she said as she followed me to my room

We both sit on my bed and I'm scrolling through Netflix deciding what we should watch

"Soo you and Billie" Isabella said breaking the silence

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now