Family discussion

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Billies POV
After a while of me and y/n holding each other and watching Netflix, she had to go home, which I wasn't too excited about, but she does live next to me after all.

"Billie, Fin, time for dinner!" My mom to me and my brother. We all sat around the table and talked like always.

"So Billie, y/n, huh?" My dad said

"yeah we've been getting really close and I love it honestly" I responded back.

"We can see that" my mom said while everyone laughed.

"I need to tell you guys something and I don't want you to think different of me because I'm not 100 percent sure yet" I said nervously.

"Okay we'll love you no matter what" Fin said

"I think I may have caught feelings for y/n" I bursted out while everyone looks at each other smiling

"oh bil we know" my dad said

"what!?" I practically yelled

"yeah we see the wya you two act around each other" my mom said

"did you tell her?"
Fin asked
"yeah, then I started rambling and she kissed me." Everyone screamed in excitement

"OMG YES" my mom screamed. Well they took that really well, I smiled to myself

After a while I went back to my house to spend some time with my family since I've been at Billies. She seemed bummed at first but I told her I'll be back soon.

"EVERYONE TIME FOR DINNER" My mom yelled throughout the house. We all sat around the island talking as always.

"Guys" I interrupted "I need to say something but I'm not sure yet" I continued

"whatever it is, we're here" my dad said looking concerned

"Billie told me she caught feelings for me and I caught feelings for her too but I thought I was straight and I thought she was straight, but turns out we were both wrong and we kissed" I rambled

"Yeah we know" my mom said with a smile

"you what?" I said confused

"we know you like Billie, you two have been spending a lot of time together" my dad said. Thank god.

I hear a knock at my front door, which was weird because I wasn't expecting anyone. I ran down the stairs to answer since my mom, dad and brother were out at the movies. I open the door to reveal a very happy Billie

"hello there mamas" she said pulling me into a hug

"hi bubba" I said hugging back

"so I told my parents and brother that I have feelings for you.." Billie blurted out pulling away from the hug

"oh yeah? How'd it go?" I asked

"they said they already knew, like wtf was it that obvious?" Billie said acting surprised

"yeah probably because I told my family too and they said they already knew as well" I said adding on. I take Billie to my room and she sits at my desk. Just looking at me

"what are you looking at?" I ask while giggling a little

"how beautiful you are" she said blushing and I just looked at her in awe. Billie got up from my desk to sit by me on my bed. I'm playing with my rings giving off a nervous vibe.

"You good shorty?" Billie asked

"Yes" I said making eye contact. Then I got a Snapchat notification.

"Duhisabella has added you as a friend!"

But I just ignore it.

"Who was it?" Billie asked. Should I tell her? Imma tell her..

"that Isabella girl from the store added me on Snapchat"
I said

"oh" Billie said sounded disappointed while looking down.

"But don't worry bil, I'm here, with you" I reassured her and she smiled

Short chapter, sorry

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now