Youre still talking to her

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Finally In New Jersey

"Baby, wake up" I heard a soft voice said

"Mmm" I hummed in response

"We're in New Jersey" Billie said pecking my lips softly

"I'm up, I'm up" I replied kissing her back

"Your phones been going off like crazy" Billie said

"I'll check it one sec" I said getting out of the bunk

Isabella: hey, long time no talk, how have you've been

                                                       Me: Heyy, I've been good, how are you ?

Isabella: I've been really good. We should link up sometime

                                                         Me: that's good, I totally would but I'm on tour with Billie. We're currently in New Jersey

Isabella: just my luck, I'm in Jersey visiting my aunt. How long are you gonna be here?

                                                         Me: i think only a couple days but Billie has a show tomorrow

Isabella: lmk when you're down to link

                                                                      Me: will do

Isabella: talk later, beautiful

I was taken by shock because I left Isabella on open for a reason which she clearly didn't catch.

"Who was it?" Billie asked

"Remember Isabella?" I asked back

"From like the store" she questioned

"Yea..." I said nervous for her response

"You're still talking to her?" Billie asked kinda sad

"She just randomly texted asking to meet up sometime. Apparently she's here in Jersey with her aunt" I replied

"Are you gonna go?" She asked

"I don't know yet" I answered

"If you do, I just want you to know I trust you" billie said

"Thank you" I smiled

"You totally should hang out" Billie said with a weak smile

"I won't if you don't want me to" I answered

"Maybe if you hangout with her, it'll get her off your back yanno" Billie said

"True, but I just wanna get it done and over with now" I said

"Text now and see if you wants to hang" Billie said

"Okay" I replied


Me: Wanna hang out now ?

Isabella: bettt, ill send you my aunts address

Me: okay, sounds good

Isabella: don't bring Billie though, I wanna catch up with just you

Me: uhh okay

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now