You need rest

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"Wake up loser" Billie said lightly shaking me

"Hm?" I hummed

"Wake up" she said

"Why?" I asked

"Because, let's go get some food" she said

"Where?" I asked

"The bus just stopped in front a cute little restaurant" she said

I nodded my head and got out of the bunk. I'm still a little groggy so I stumbled a bit

"Whoa, here" she said supporting me with her hand

"Sorry" I laughed

"You're all good" she laughed

"Where's everyone?" I asked

"They're already inside" Billie replied

"Okay" I smiled

We walked into the cute little restaurant to see everyone already seated and waiting for us

"About time" Finneas said

"Shut up" Billie replied

Her out his hands up and in a surrender

"Billie, be nice" Maggie said

"Yea, yea, yea" she rolled her eyes

I just had to laugh at their typical sibling interaction

"We already ordered drinks for everyone" Claudia spoke up

Claudia knew me well enough to know my usual drink order.

"How are you ankles today?" Maggie asked Billie

"They're really sore" Billie replied

"Have you iced them?" Maggie asked

"No" Billie laughed

"I'm gonna make her do her exercises" I spoke up

"No you're not" Billie said

"Then I guess no kisses for a while" I shrugged my shoulders

"Fuck, fine" she said

"Thank you, y/n" Maggie smiled at me

I nodded my head with a smile

Our drinks shortly arrived and we ordered food as well. The waiter said he'd bring it out as soon as possible

"Y/n, look" Claudia said

She blew her straw wrapper at me

"Haha, so funny" I smiled

"I know" she said with a cute shoulder shrug

"Soo are you gonna go to college?" Maggie asked randomly

I looked at Billie who was burning holes in the side of my head

"I was gonna do some online courses" I said

"Not on campus?" She asked

"No, it'd be too much" I replied

"I hope not because of Billie" Maggie said

"Mom, what the fuck" Billie said

"I just don't want y/n to feel like she has to do online classes to please you" Maggie said

"It's not because of Billie" I replied breaking up their little argument

It was because of Billie. I don't have the guts to leave her and I don't wanna hurt her in any way

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now