I can go back?

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"Billie?" We heard my moms gentle voice

"Y/n" my mom called out

I stirred in the bed

"Bil, they're calling us" I said

"I know" Billie said and rolled back over

"Oh my god" I laughed

"Y/n" my mom called again

"Yea?" I said deciding to respond

"You girls better get up. Billie has a doctors appointment" she said coming into my room

"Okay" I said

Billie still didn't move a muscle

"What's wrong with her?" My mom asked

"She's just tired" I laughed

"Why?" She asked

I froze. I can't tell my mom about our extra curricular activities

"Ohhh... ew" she said

I couldn't help but laugh

"What are we laughing at?" Billie said in her sleepy voice

"You kids are nasty" my mom laughed exiting the room

"Why are we nasty?" Billie asked as my mom shut the door

I just looked at her with my eyebrows raised

"Oh" she laughed

Once we settled down from our laughter, Billie threw her legs over the bed

"So I have a doctors appointment?" She asked

"That's what my mom said" I shrugged in sure

"Hm. I wonder why my mom didn't tell me" she said

"Maybe because you're never home" I laughed

"You know, you're right" she laughed back

Right as she said that. She stood up from my bed and walked to the bathroom

"Are you gonna shower?" I asked

"Yea, wanna come?" She asked

I nodded my head and followed behind her. I closed the bathroom door as Billie got the water ready. Once it was to a good temperature, I watched as Billie stripped and got in

"Coming?" She asked

I nodded my head before joining her. We really didnt have time to mess around so we just took a regular shower. Billie helped wash my hair and I did the same for her


"So what is this for?" Billie asked as we saw Maggie already in the car waiting for us

"To check your ankles" she said

"Oooh, okay" she said getting in the front seat as I got in the back

There was a short lived silence before billie spoke up again

"So i can go back in tour?" Billie asked

"If your ankles and shins look good then yea" Maggie said

Billie nodded her head and put her hand behind the seat so I can hold it

"Grab my hand" she said when she noticed that I didn't take it yet

I laughed at how impatient she was. I knew this would hurt her shoulder by the end of the ride, but Billie can't go a second without touching me in some way. I gently connected my hand with hers and she rubbed small circles in my palm with her thumb.

Wish you were gay||Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now