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I woke up the the sound of my dads laughter filling the room

"Yea, I'm a big boy that's why" he said laughing at the end talking to Joe

"Dad?" I grumbled

"Y/n! Good morning kiddo" he said with a smile

"Why are you up so early?" I asked Joe

"Daddy told me he was bored and we wanted to talk about being man" Joe said looking at dad

"Oh I see" I said giggling

"Look, daddy said I look like a body builder" Joe said flexing

"Wow, you're so strong" I said

"Not as strong as me though right" my dad said flexing as well

"Mm, i don't know dad, you're getting soft" I teased

"W-what? Are you saying I'm getting fat" he asked pretending to be hurt

"That's it, as soon as I'm better, I'm going to the gym. Then we'll see who's sOfT" he said

"Yea, okay" I laughed

I think we were talking too loud because mom quickly sat up

"Kids let your father rest" she said rubbing her eyes

"He woke us up" I said

"Guilty" he said putting his hands up in a surrender

"Antonio, you need to rest" she scolded

"Nahhh, im a man" he laughed

"Ah I see that you're up and fully awake" the nurse said walking in with a smile on her face

"Your surgery got moved up to 9 am so we better start prepping you" she continued

"Let's get her doneee" my dad said

As the nurse prepped my dad I couldn't help but feel anxious for him

"Don't worry, dads gonna be okay" my my assured me

"I know, I just worry for him" I said

"He's a 'man'" she said quoting him which caused me laugh

"Alright, we'll be taking him to surgery. You guys are welcome to wait here, or in the waiting room" the nurse said

"How long will the surgery take?" My mom asked

"It varies, But of course I'll give you updates" the nurse said

"Okay, thank you" my mom said

"You're welcome" the nurse said taking my dad to the OR

"Is daddy gonna be okay?" Joe asked

"He should be" my mom replied

"I'm gonna call Billie" I said

"Okay, tell her I said hello" my mom said

"Will do" I said walking out of the room into the hall

I take my phone out of my pocket and click on Billies name
(Billie underlined you in bold)

Hey mamas

Hii, I miss you

I miss you too, how's your dad ?"

He's in surgery right now

That's good, he's a tough guy

That's what he keeps saying

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