Mile high club

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Yesterday just consisted of Billie and I staying in the room and watching movies but around 5 pm the whole family decided to go out for dinner at some vegan restaurant.

I wake up way before Billie since our flight is at 4:30 am. It's currently 3 am so I have an hour and 30 minutes to get ready. I decided to not shower yet since I'll probably shower when we get back to LA. I look over to my right and see Billie sleeping soundly

"Billieeee. You have to wake up and get ready to leave" I whispered

"Mmm" she groaned tiredly

"It's 3, you have to get ready" I repeated

"It's so early though" she said

"I know, but we have to" I said

"Okay. I'm getting up" she said sitting up

"Okay, bubba" I said

Billie got up and went straight to the bathroom, I assume to pee. She then came out brushing the knots out of her hair.

"I'm so tired" she said

"I know me too" I replied

"It's a little cold in the morning here" she said referring to the Colorado air

"Definitely" I said rubbing my arms to warm me up

"Are you cold ?" She asked

"A little, but I'll survive" I said

"No, here you go" she said taking the hoodie off her body

"Nooo, then you'll be cold" I replied

"It's okay" she said handing me the hoodie

"I'm fine" I said

"No you're not. Just take it" she said

"Fineee" I said knowing I wouldn't win

"Good" she said

"Soooo, I didn't tell you, but we're actually taking a private jet back since with a home show" she said

"Really ?" I asked excited

"Yea" she replied

"I love when we fly privately" I said

"I know, me too. We get more privacy" she replied

"We have to be in the lobby at 4" she continued

"What time is it now?" I asked

"Uhh, let me check" she said looking at her phone

"Shit, 3:50" she said

"Damn time flew" I said

"Good thing we packed last night" she said

"Yea" I replied

I bent down to reach for my suitcase when Billie stopped me

"I got it" she smiled

"Bil, I take my own suitcase" I said

"No, I always take your suitcase" she said

"I can take it" I said

"No" she said a little more firm

"Fine" I said

"Let's go" she said grabbing our suitcases

I head to the door and hold it open for her since her hands are full

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