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               ⧚Where is ⨊ at the moment?⧚ came a vicious voice. ⧚Did you find her?⧚ asked ℥enji. ⧚You lost her and didn't tell me?⧚ ⧚It just happened.⧚ said ℥enji standing next to the man. ⧚Can't approach her at the moment.⧚ said ௹enji putting up a ௹ace and hiding ⨊ from everyone. ⧚What happened?⧚ he asked in anger. ⧚Someone released her.⧚ said ℥enji in anger.

⧚Seems she can't see or hear anything in her current state.⧚ said ௹enji  watching ⨊ reopen all her wounds. ⧚Is she able to erase the residue that drove her to be in this state by herself?⧚ asked ℥enji. ⧚Not like we can help her. All we can do is watch over her and keep her protected.⧚ said ௹enji. ⧚Call them off. They will attract too much attention. I'll wait with her while you take care of things. ⧚ he added.

⧚Found her.⧚ said ℥enji informing the others, including Ian. ⧚Where is she?⧚ asked Ian with the others simultaneously. ⧚You don't need to know.   Meet up at the house. I'll fill you in. Ian you too.⧚ said ℥enji. "Where is she?" asked Ian when he saw ℥enji. "Why? Didn't you let go of her?" asked ℥enji getting angry at Ian. "I didn't want to hurt her, but I wouldn't have let her go," said Ian. "So you're saying she imagined that you considered letting her go?" asked ℥enji. "I thought about it for a split second. But I wouldn't have let go of her," said Ian explaining himself.

"Considering it for a split second was more than enough. You don't need to ever think about being with her ever again," said ℥enji. "You have no..." "Your right. I have no right to interfere in her life. So when she is able to communicate with you again, I'll take you to her so that she can inform you herself to stay out of her life," said ℥enji interrupting Ian.

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