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THE UNSTEADY LANDING OF the plane made Eleanor Page wake up from her slumber. Her head lifted from being reclined onto the window, and she looked out, seeing the airport getting closer and closer. She sat up straight, while her eyes wandered on her surroundings. A newspaper placed in the net on the seat in front of her caught her attention. She felt a knot inside her throat when she saw the familiar article. She sighed, and leaned her head back against the leather seat, waiting for the signal to stand up.

The explosion that killed her father happened a month ago, but she still felt like it was yesterday. Eleanor had accompanied her father to the brand-new Stark Tower in San Francisco when tragedy struck. From the 10 people who were there, including her father, she was the only survivor. News reports, police officers, and scientists argued that the explosion was due to the overcharged arc reactor that powered the building, but the case was closed a week after.

After that, Tony Stark himself took the chance to let all the press know that he would be relocating the 15-year-old genius to New York, paying for the rest of her high school and college expenses. And not only that, but she would also be welcome to the Stark Tower, for an exclusive internship. Eleanor was beyond excited for the internship, but moving into a new city made her stomach turn. While the teen got lost in her thoughts, her mother was already unfastening her belt beside her.

"Come on El, we can stand up now."

The girl did as asked, she stood up, and both her and her mother exited the gate, getting to the pick-up section. As they grabbed each of their suitcases, they decided to sit on a nearby bench.

"Aren't you hungry?" Her mother inquired as she sat down. "I'm starving."

"No, not really," Eleanor responded, her gaze wandering around the room.

"Well, Ms. Potts texted. A car is going to pick us up soon." The woman had taken out her phone to check the time, and then she placed it on her lap, before looking at the girl. "You okay there, El?"

Eleanor looked at her mother, giving a small smile to reassure her that everything was alright. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Fine. Look." Her mother pointed towards a nearby café, that had a TV set up on a wall. The TV was playing a news broadcast about the events that took place in Berlin. The Avengers had seemingly broken up and destroyed an entire airport. "I don't know how they pay for all the stuff they break."

The teenager laughed at her mother's remark. "Me neither."

"Aren't you excited?" Amelia Page turned to look at her daughter. "You know, the internship. That's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

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