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a/n: for a more complete experience, I'd recommend you to listen to 'A Lot to Figure Out' by Alan Silvestri from the Infinity War Soundtrack. If the song ends early, jus repeat it :p 

ONLY THREE TIMES IN HER life, Eleanor Page had felt overwhelming fear. That type of fear that made her stomach drop to her feet as she struggled to breathe. That made her feel sick and not able to think straight. The type of fear that words weren't an option for her anymore.

The first time was when she woke up from the explosion, amid the smoke and debris. She remembered the hot environment, and how she had to blink more than twice to adjust her sight, just to see the arc reactor still going. Her head suffered a really strong headache, making her dizzy as she tried to realize what was going on. From that floor at the Stark Tower, she felt how all the air inside her lungs vanished.

The second time was when a giant wall of concrete was about to crush her skull. Eleanor remembered herself crying, wishing that this wasn't her last fight. Her tries to push the concrete off were pretty unsuccessful, and it scared her shitless that Peter wasn't responding at all. Under the cement and as the water pipes around her started emptying themselves, was when she felt the fear all the way to her bones. 

This was the third. 

Time suddenly went incredibly slower for her. For a moment, a second felt like an hour. She eyed the giant monster that was behind this chaotic mess with the gauntlet on his hand. It was golden, and the tiny rays of sunlight that went through the tree leaves made it glow. Frightened, she started coming up with plans to distract herself from the fact that the most powerful being in the universe was right in front of her. 

Her eyes lingered on the gauntlet.

Okay, She thought. Calm down. There were six stones in total. He must have four. Count them, Eleanor. Calm down. Okay, there's one, two, three, four-

Her heart stopped and her breath hitched when she observed the fifth stone that was placed on Thanos's thumb: It was green. The teen's eyes widened as she remembered what Tony had said to her before she last saw him:

"What the hell is going on, Mr. Stark?" The girl asked, joining the field.

"Oh shit, you're here too?" He asked breathy, battling against the giant creature. "Uh, he's from space. He came here to steal a gem from a wizard."

"Uh, can't you be more specific, Mr. Stark? What color is the gem? So we'll know if he took it or not." 

"It's green. It's green and tiny."

Her eyes didn't dare to leave the stone. She had never hated a color that much in her entire life. She felt a punch in the gut as her brain processed what it could've meant.

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