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"HEY, COME TAKE A LOOK at this." Eleanor's mother said, munching on her cereal sitting on the living room couch. On the other hand, the teen was halfway through making her sandwich when she rose her head up to see what her mother was gawking at. The girl's eyes widened as she saw herself on the news. To her surprise, a security camera from a restaurant nearby had filmed the entire encounter. The piece of bread on her hand fell, as she kept watching the news broadcast.

Oh no. She thought.

"Look, there's a new hero." Her mother commented, lifting from the couch and joining her daughter at the kitchen. "She's like a mini Thor."

The teen seemed speechless, her brain tried it's best to formulate a quick reply for her mother. "W-wow, that's cool. A-and has the city named her yet?"

"Not yet, but I think it will happen eventually."

The teen nodded, going back to her sandwich which she then placed in a paper bag. To say that her mind was a mess was an understatement. Eleanor felt herself tremble as she closed the paper bag. The world now knew her existence. The feeling inside her was unlike any other: a mixture of adrenaline, nervousness, and fear. Lots of fear. She was about to grab a Snickers bar from her fridge when her mother spoke.

"Hey, it's 7, don't you have to meet Peter downstairs?"

The teen's eyes widened again at her mother's comment and cursed. She had been thinking so much that she had forgotten about him. Leaving her chocolate bar inside her fridge, she left the apartment.


Eleanor was now in front of a vending machine at her school, waiting for her Snickers bar to fall. She had daydreamed all day about that chocolate bar she had left in her fridge, so she took a bathroom pass and ventured around the school to find a vending machine with Snickers in it. The thin metal rod kept rotating until it stopped, making the bar unreachable and stuck.

Eleanor groaned, she needed to be back in class in less than five minutes, or she'd get detention. She looked both sides, and took her leather glove off her right hand. She kept using the gloves just for protection. She touched the vending machine, making a small electric sound as the wire moved and the bar fell. Feeling victorious, the girl placed her glove back on and grabbed the candy bar. She then turned around to find a wide-eyed Ned Leeds behind her. Eleanor's eyes widened as much as his when she saw him.

"You, you-" He said, pointing at her, then at the vending machine, trembling.

"No, no, no, no, Ned, no." The girl panicked and placed her gloved hands in front of her.

SKYFALL | PETER PARKER [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now