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Eleanor was eating breakfast at her kitchen counter, excited for her day. As she finished, she placed her empty plate on the sink, and as if on cue, her dad walked down the stairs.

"Ready to go?" He asked. Eleanor nodded in response, and the both exited the house, and jumped into the family car.

"I still don't understand how Tony Stark asked you to take a look at his tower." The teen commented, fastening her seatbelt.

"He's an old friend of mine. And he wanted someone trustworthy enough, at least that's what he said." Her father laughed, starting the car and driving off. A half an hour of traffic later, Eleanor and her father were standing in front of the huge, brand new, Stark Tower in downtown San Francisco.

Eleanor whistled in amusement, she had never felt herself so small.

"Pretty neat, huh?" Her father commented, gawking her amusement, placing a hand on her shoulder. "He really went the extra mile. He always does."

The teen didn't respond, she just kept staring at the incredibly large building.

"Come on," Her father called, "I've got work to do."

Both relatives walked to the back of the building, where the arc reactor was. They got in, and Eleanor's eyes glew in excitement. The arc reactor was a huge machine in form of a circumference. It was a large circular glass, with blue electricity going through it continuously. She didn't know how it powered the entire tower.

"Dr. Page!" A man in a white coat greeted her father, shaking his hand. "It's great to have you here. We've had some malfunctions with the reactor, we could really use your help."

"It's my pleasure." William Page, Eleanor's father, replied. The man in a white coat's eyes went from William to Eleanor.

"I suppose this is your daughter, doctor."

"Yes, this is Eleanor. Eleanor, this is Bill, head engineer of the arc team."

The teenager shook the man's hand shyly.

"We have a future doctor among us."  Bill joked, walking beside Eleanor and her father, towards the gigantic reactor in the middle of the room.

"Yes, but a real one. She wants to be a neurosurgeon."

The teen's cheeks felt warm as William kept bragging about her. She walked behind the two men as they talked.

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