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Hello, everyone! Welcome to the song explanation pt. II! I'm not gonna lie, I love doing these. Every time I listen to the part's playlist, I get this outburst of emotions, and I want to share them with you. 

Let's begin! 


This is the song that defines the entire book. Once again, it just sets this amazing cinematographic and suspense mood to the entire story. I love this song so much, on the very first note, I can't help but think of Eleanor and Peter. 


This is an ode to Peter's and Eleanor's flourishing love. I chose this song to represent the innocence of it, they both had felt at least something for each other in the past, so they're approaching one another slowly. They're testing this new ground. They know the feeling's real, for sure, but they're just taking it slow. It also represents the coolness and naiveness before the real battle began. The line, 'I don't think I'd ever leave this place' inspired Eleanor's memories of wanting to make moments infinite. This song can also represent how Eleanor and Peter were so calm and happy before the Infinity War. I love this song and I love MAX, and the cool, relaxing vibe it has to it makes me think of Peter Parker and Eleanor just being happy teens. 


God, I can't even begin to explain how much I love this song. If Skyfall didn't set the tone enough for the entire book, this song will for the second part. This song just screams mystery, suspense, hopelessness. This song is the best one that can describe Infinity War's tone. Besides, most of the chapters of the second part I wrote them listening to this song. 


This is now an ode to Tony Stark himself. I wrote this scene where Eleanor blasted her music playlist by accident on the Avengers Compound room and started crying because it reminded her of Tony, but I decided against publishing it. It also gives this exciting vibe that just screams BATTLE!, you know?


I feel like you guys already know what I'm about to say. Yes, this song represents that empty feeling Eleanor had ever since Peter and Tony followed the spaceship. The lyrics have nothing to do, except the line 'I hope hopeless changes over time', which addresses Eleanor's need for them to come back, to be able to hug them, to tell them how thankful she was for their existence. All this time, she had been by Peter's side during battles, but now, she felt alone. She felt hopeless. Also, I love how the song is structured, it makes you feel as hopeless as Halsey felt when she wrote it. A masterpiece, in my eyes. 

SKYFALL | PETER PARKER [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now