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ELEANOR'S ALARM CLOCK ON her nightstand started to ring, making her groan instantly. Not lifting entirely from her bed, her hand reached out to turn the small device off, when it turned off abruptly and she started smelling smoke.  Confused, she sat down on the edge of her bed, facing the nightstand, and saw the small alarm clock steaming, little clouds of smoke surrounding it. She grabbed it, and turned it around, looking for signs of any malfunction. She was confused since the only thing she did was touching it. 

Her eyes noticed there was a small burn mark on the place she knew she had placed her finger. Without thinking it more deeply, she brushed it off and decided to start changing. She got dressed, in a way she could perfectly merge in the hormonal crowds of high school: a black Back To The Future tee and black skinny jeans.

The teenager had thought her mother was still asleep, but she found her sitting on the kitchen counter, eating cereal. She approached the place where her mother was sitting and poured herself some cereal as well. 

"Morning." Amelia greeted her daughter. "Slept well?"

"Yeah, why are you up this early?" 

"My shift starts at 8." Her mother answered, drinking the remaining milk from her plate, and placed it on the kitchen sink. "Excited for today? New school, new teachers, new boys. That must be so exciting for your age."

Eleanor couldn't help but laugh lightly at her mother's sarcasm. She watched as her mother adjusted her scrubs, ready for her first shift on the new hospital she would start working at. Her golden plaque with "AMELIA PAGE" in black letters stood out from her attire.

"I'm more excited about the academics, actually. I think the school is more focused on science, that's cool." 

Amelia Page, tightening her ponytail for one last time, stared back at her daughter. She looked at her with caring eyes. Eleanor knew instantly what those eyes meant. They were the 'I hope this fresh air and new city help you overcome the trauma you went through last month's eyes. She had received the same glare from different people ever since Tony Stark announced he was moving her to New York. Eleanor was never good with feelings, she always pressed them deep down inside her brain, not ever letting them out. 

"I really hope this whole thing helps you out." It was like her mother had just read Eleanor's mind. Her mother then placed a strand of the teen's hair behind her ear, whilst she was in front of her. "Good things take time." 

Eleanor smiled at her mother's signature phrase. She then grabbed her backpack, bid her mom goodbye, and went out the door. As she exited the doors of the apartment building, she distinguished the same car that drove her the day before. She carefully approached it and saw the small Stark Industries logo on the plates. She opened the door and sat on the back seat, and on cue, the car started driving. The driver was the same dull man as yesterday, so Eleanor quickly figured out he'd be no good company for a 20-minute drive. 

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