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Pete: I THINK I SEE THEM, hold on a sec.

was the last thing Peter had texted her last night. It was now 8 am, and Eleanor had already dressed up and glammed herself for the decathlon. She started to pace around her hotel room, wishing for her phone to ring once more.

"Calm down, seeing you like that makes me nervous." MJ, her roommate, commented, as she sat down on the edge of her bed, drying her hair with an towel.

Eleanor grabbed her phone again, and texted Ned this time.

Eleanor: Anything?

The reply was instant.

Ned: Nothing yet :/

"Fuck." Eleanor cursed, and walked around her room again.

"Listen, El. It's just a competition, you're smart as hell, I don't see what you're worrying about." MJ commented, trying to make her friend feel better, but it did not seem to work.

"It's not that-" before the distressed teen could continue, somebody had knocked on their door.

"El? MJ? We're leaving now!" It was Liz on the other side.

"Shit." Eleanor said, and grabbed her backpack that had her suit and the glowy thing inside, and opened the door to face a happy Liz.

"You okay? You've been off lately, El." Liz immediately asked, and Eleanor knew she was genuinely worried. It ached her not being able to tell everyone how Peter wasn't here and that he could be in trouble.

"She's fine." MJ covered her up. "She's just nervous."

"We'll do fine, El." Liz then caressed Eleanor's arm as she and MJ left her hotel room. "You're one of the smartest people I know. Everyone here is."

Eleanor simply nodded, muttering a small 'thanks' and strutted down the hotel hallway, up to Ned's room. She knocked, hoping Peter had just gotten lazy about texting her back and he was just getting ready for the decathlon. The door immediately opened, and Ned with a worried face appeared, holding his backpack.

"No." He simply said, and Eleanor's nails went straight to her mouth.

"Hey guys, is Peter here?" Liz suddenly approached Ned, who closed the door so she wouldn't be able to see the inside.

"He, uh, left. He went to get some medicine, he had a really bad stomachache. He'll meet us at the venue." Ned argued, and joined Eleanor's side as they all walked towards the bus.

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